

Princess Princess

In this game, random encounters is a necessary evil to get you to level up faster. There's not much time here to grind you or whatsoever. You WILL die at the final boss fight if your level is 13 less. (Max Level is 20) I remember setting up the encounter rate rate incredibly high already so you won't fight that much often. (100 steps)

But wait a minute! In the Hints you said anybody could clear the game at lv 12! Most of my gang (except Sairen who is lv 11) are lv 13, but I CAN'T STILL DEFEAT THAT Freakin' Evil Overlord & wife!!! What am I doing wrong? Random Encounters are quite rare and the only ones I've encountered are mere slimes and snakes. I mean, it's quite boring then, don't you think? I defeated the King at lv. 12, though...
I try to talk to every NPC, but they all say the same. Rumour is just that the princess lives in that shore-boat-wood-stuff place...

Edit: My party is currently lv. 16. The game is quite a grind-fest XD,
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