


Any way I noticed by your style of drawing characters,and some media you have consumed it has style associated with Anime so I was thinking maybe you and I could talk about it(I also watched some Animelike )what anime you watched which one is xour favorite and why do you like it(and I could talk about stuff I watched).It could be a fun topic to talk about:)


As far as Twitter and Drawpiles and the like are concerned, I've been giving thought to hosting a public-facing Drawpile session on one of the public servers at some point; whenever I get around to doing that, I'll be sure to post about it with the relevant connection information on my Twitter page, so you won't miss it. Though, it might be a while before that happens...[/quote

and Like always Kyou the master who takes forever to respond will respond at one point as she always does:)


I set up the link try again and I hope you could check out my new greeting card that I sent you;)


Anyone who is a fan of the game should watch this video I made as intro for my drawing that I posted on Newgrounds
all of the female characters belong to Kyou system
whit that out of the way enjoy;)


Can I also join your drawpile?


And an a another thing,I noticed you very active on your Twitter(posting updates on your game and likeing pictures of anime girls and such)so I was wondering to come on Twitter and talk to you about stuff there(I have a Twitter) would you accept my offer |;‑)


Kyo I em done I made a another a greeting card(this time for easter) for you if you are Interested you could see it for your self to see a nice surprise:D


Someone I know was inspired by one of the tracks of the Remembrance OST to make this song, and I have to say it's simply spectacular:

Your works inspire me too thats why I put one of your characters in to my Halloween drawing and as for the xmas gift video I made it because you and I had good interaction with each other:)

any way as for Easter I em working on a drawing and after I make it I will send it to you after its done(let just say it also has something to with your characters)


Coronavirus Ashley, huh? That's an interesting idea; knowing Ashley, though, she'd sooner sterilize every last individual coronavirus off of the face of the Earth than let herself fuse with one. Because of what she is, she's a bit of a stickler when it comes to the purity of her form and to wiping out things that cause disease and rot, heh.

And thank you for your interest in my posts on Twitter! Thankfully, I've just had normal colds thus far rather than anything more serious.

Man if only we had a person like her to get rid of this shitty virus it sometimes fells like a freaken movie the virus is all over the world( and its no,t good)

The way I would imagined it, Ashley would take down the virus and then Trump would appear in front of her and tell her

Trump: This is tremendous absolutely tremendous

Trump:but lets face its all thanks to me and my great intellect

Trump:Because nobody fights viruses better than me

and Ashley would like most people get angry at Trumps comments(but I will let you Kyo to decide how she would react to trumps comments)


I want to play this game but everytime I open it, I can't go up. Like, I literally can't click up on the directional keys of the laptop's keyboard. And once the game really starts and the player can move, my character immediately walks up and doesn't stop walking up and I can't move down at all anymore (unlike on the main menu, when the glitch of going up could at least be stopped and I could start playing the game). It counts as if the up key was being held/pressed constantly.

This isn't happening with any other game, any website, any program, only the game Remembrance

Edit: Nvm I tried another game that was made using the same program and the same thing is happening. Guess I'll die :/

I played the game useing my laptop and it worked just fine maybe this could help you