

Shattered Hourglass

What's that B stand for? just curious

So in GoodEnd+ Duran keep himself away for his party in order not to change the fate of everyone anymore
While in GoodEnd- Since Qual isn't there to stop anti magic barrier, Zavorim probably manage to erase the presence of Duran's father book after escape through Hourglass, making existence of Duran disappear so the current timeline wasn't even exist without Duran, that's why everyone is disappear.
Am I correct?

Do you plan or already decide as if Zulwhern/Mio affect the Neutral or Bad pose game ending ?

Shattered Hourglass

Can anyone list where i can find the skills i learn from scan on Suan.
Thanks in advance.

First, sorry for unhelpful reply
well, there isn't any guideline/walkthrough for this game, yet.
I can tell you that sawworm had 964 skills in the database, and he is somewhat bad at organizing/arranging (especially the time when he start making this game)
even I decrypting the game itself into editor mode, I still find it difficult for me to look for the things that I want.
<stealable skill>
421:Counter Orbs
453:Oi Combo
454:Oi Heal
457:Fire Fuse
458:Spark II
482:Lightning Breath
498:Divine Song
ahhh nvm, sawworm already list them down where to get these
btw @sawworm
skill 241: supposedly cost 30% hp not 30 hp

Shattered Hourglass

In Post Game In Fauntown, I touched the computer near the "quiz" guy. Looked like Suan saying "Sending you to the Boss chamber...Just kidding"
"I'm sending you to nowhere".Then, the screen turns grey and stays that way.????? Is this another of your endings?

it will teleport u to habon supposedly, i had no problem with that

Shattered Hourglass

minor thing you might consider to fix?change :
- Using Diabloric Urn/Onigiri in a dungeon cause the battleback unchanged until you left the dungeon map, was thinking if transfer player to a blank map during the battle and transfer back player again after the battle finish would solve the issue

Well, that also brings another issue, If I transfer the player to the blank map I gotta put every map an event that remembers player X/Y or had to put all my maps a variable if that variable is set to map variable it auto changes that map background. I'm feeling too lazy to do either of these haha

You use common event for the summon sir.
Just make player teleport to a designate theme room/map for onigiri/diablonasuar nefore battle and when battle finish, teleport to specific map (gather map ID, X, Y before teleport to designate room)

(I try teleport player command during battle, on troops section, but it doesn't seem working D: oh well)

Actually, this gave me an idea to create an unskippable cutscene for it. Whenever you enter Hunter's Hunt you'll automatically force to get into that battle. Thanks for your suggestions though, in previous versions, players tend to skip recruiting Mio haha that caused so many issues on my side. So I loaded my game with so many roadblocks. (I'll definitely try your way ^.^)

Other than that I might just put a block to teleporting items. That can also solve the issue. (Best solution for me)

Well, it shouldn't be an issue for 0.8.1, since player are force to do something about Eagle or else they can't pass beyond the guard who need 2 hunt to pass forest + chronix...

And talk about that, my method/suggestion seem allow player to pass the guard without recruiting Mio, and that guard that was suppose to block eagle no longer had block eagle value because player are force to leave the eagle when they visit the hunter hut for the first time. (I actually should make that Eagle join = Off when it left party but I forget lol so that it wouldn't bring any issue while on forest.)
However when entering the area vs chronix, it would need 1 more line of script to confirm Mio Join or not for the confirmation of 5 party member (condition branch, if Mio Join = Off , pop out dialog, Duran: I think we left out something on Hunter Hut, else do nothing)
hell yeah kuriboh glove

Shattered Hourglass

Sorry to extract the gamefile and oh god, the map arrangement/sorting is messy

By that Hunter Hut scene, I mean, like this:
World map2 (start at near hunter hut and with Duran,Treephop,Juliet,Suan and Eagle):
Hunter Hut map:
Created with 4 variable

and 3 Switch

Shattered Hourglass

About side quest, am I missing any side quest
so far I had 8 but 1 is unavailable in Neutral/Bad path/route :
- Handaxe in lumberjack
- Pearl in icywland
- Bluefire lighter in seaport town
- Jailed man in desert tower
- Qual armor
- Ice town witch hand mirror
- save Juliet/give bone to skeleton zulwhern
- Esther wolf hunt(only available in good path)
So was it possible to get 8 Side quest done in bad/neutral route?

About the karma, I know it is possible to get Pure Chest, but the amount of possible Good/Bad/Neutral Karma is different in total
- Esther : 1 Karma for either path
- Future Treephop: 2 Karma for either path or 1 Karma for 2 different path
- Miners : 1 Karma for either path
- Future Treephop@Trin Island : 1 Karma for either path
- Future Treephop@Hunter Hut: 1 Karma for either path
- 5th Party member, Mio + Eagle/Human Zulwhern : 1 Karma for both Neutral and Bad Karma/ 1 Good Karma
- Juliet event at forest : 1 Karma for either path
- Janet in Chronix : 1 Karma for either path
- Fisherman : 1 Karma for either path
- Fisherman visit player house(Only available if you save the husband where you take +1 Good Karma): 1 Karma for either path
- Change Juliet past(Only in Bad path) : 1 Good Karma

In total Karma for each route/path:
Good route/path can have 11 Good Karma, or 10 Good,1 Neutral and 1 Bad Karma if choose Mio instead of Zulwhern
Neutral route/path can have 0~2 Good Karma(fisherman and zulwhern included), 9/10 Neutral Karma(choose Zulwhern/Mio), 0/1 Bad Karma (Mio)
Bad route can have: 1~3 Good Karma (Juliet past/Zulwhern/Fisherman), 1 Neutral Karma (Desert Eagle), 9/10 Bad Karma (1 Lesser if you choose zulwhern)

Basically when you choose Zulwhern over Eagle + Mio while picking the Neutral or Bad route/path, you can't open Chest of Pure, was it intended?

minor thing you might consider to fix?change :
- Using Diabloric Urn/Onigiri in a dungeon cause the battleback unchanged until you left the dungeon map, was thinking if transfer player to a blank map during the battle and transfer back player again after the battle finish would solve the issue
- Fishing spot in Gwyndia was camouflage as the color of water.. was it intended?
- Typo on Snow Feather: Paralysis and ally and gives MP Regen.
- Juliet White magic Small Recovery and Recovery skill tend of damage herself instead of heal when equip Vampire Fang, it wasn't Self Recovery issue, I was using Negator job(who doesn't have Self Recovery) to cast the skill and it still cause damage to herself, can find out what's the issue ?(My treephop also had Vampire Fang equipped and Holy resist also been Negative, however it heal him not damage him)
-If you enter the forest instead of heading to Chronix first, it make abit no logic when the party say something like let search here for the pass (How the party know they need the checkpoint pass if they haven't talk to the guard in Chronix front gate), you might want to add a switch to prevent player from enter the forest(eg. Chronix are on north, we are in hurry or something like) before talk to the guard at Chronix entrance
-This is optional: You don't have to let Eagle talk to prevent the party from leaving Hunter Hut before contact with the cat... You can still earn money from the Well and buy teleport scroll inside the Hunter Hut to teleport out. Suggestion:
If I were you:
In anyplace on this hunter camp map:
1. Auto run event
Condition, If Actor: Desert Eagle was in Party:
Play the Dialog of that "master i sense great evil presence in here",
fade out screen
remove party member: Eagle
Switch EagleWanderAround(up to what name u give): On
fade in screen
Self Switch A: on (Self Switch A on, this thing is blank event)

2. Make another Event:
Condition: Switch EagleWanderAround is on
Action button? Play that same dialog "master i sense great evil presence in here"
(Just Make the Eagle with random moment)
If it is off, this thing doesn't existed.

3.In Mio:

Condition: Switch EagleWanderAround is on
Fade Out screen
Make 2 Variable, store Player coordinate X and Y
Add Desert Eagle to party
Remove All other party member
Teleport Player (Only Eagle at the moment) perhaps to somewhere behind the house
Switch MiovsEagle : On
Turn Selfswitch A: On
Fade in screen

When Selfswitch A is on, remove cat image
Parallel process,
Conditional Branch:
If Battle Finish On
turn on Self switch B
else do nothing

When Selfswitch B is on, put back the cat image
Auto run
then Continue where is our Eagle dialog, till the end then turn on self switch C/D to make the cat disappear after it join

4. MiovsEagle
Auto run:
Condition: When Switch EaglevsMio is On:
Place on somewhere near where you teleport the player (eagle) to, Mio are face to face vs Eagle
Dialog Then proceed the battle

5. Inside your Troops database
when Eagle is dead
Switch BattleFinish: On,
Add party member Duran, Treephop, Juliet, Suan
Remove party member Eagle
Switch: MiovsEagle off
Switch: EagleWander around off
Transfer player to X,Y variable that you store before

Else play that Zulwhern say Miaowwwwww and Juliet say cat so cute dialog

1 question :
The first time when Treephop meet Zulwhern at entrance of Gwyndia Cave with Duran, he said:
What was that Zulwhern? No sarcasm?
Why are you shouting when you talk, man?
Indicate that Treephop know Zulwhern at the first place, however it when the party first meet human Zulwhern at his house, Treephop doesn't seem recognize him
At last, I saw someone weirder than Duran.
So this human Zulwhern is different than the one he know, and someone who live in parallel world so therefore Treephop doesn't recognize him, am I correct?

Shattered Hourglass

I couldn't find a fix for that issue, it happens to me as well. :/

I've noticed that if save files are similar (like going good karma to good karma) that never happens. My best guess is the script tries to load so many variables and switches at the same time it causes the loading stuck. Even in debug mode, my client is having a hard time loading all the game data :~D

I don't think it was that case, if it was, no matter what route you take, you will still end up stuck because you have to load all the variable, switch regardless if it is unused.

perhaps YEA script reserved some switch or variable, or parameter conflict with some other script?

I will try save&load all the time and see if I can find out what actual trigger the crash and not triggering the crash, hopefully you can find someone to fix.

i getting nowhere atm actually (still in sand tower), plan to get time blader lv25 + w/ mastery converter before make decision for taking different route for abuse some cheap heal with low mp cost on later game; meanwhile bloodseeker already near max lv :x, with vampire fang and thorn he is epic enough to dish out 5 digit dmg
i believe my duty pay off by farming so much

Shattered Hourglass

the game stuck when you try to click Load while you playing a save game, is that possible to be fix? (i lazy press f12 to restart lolz)

Shattered Hourglass

The equal to 5 room in sand tower, there are 6 button which is:
-8 <<<--- issue
that is what stone tablet show, it should had 2 combination (+4 +9 -8) or (+6 +4 -3 -2)
However the first combination doesn't work, and somehow (+4 +9 -8 -2) turn out work
Suspecting the pull/switch in -8 to be -6 variable, up to you either change the stone tablet value on wall or correct the pull/switch variable

Shattered Hourglass

hi,I just try out this game yesterday, manage to completed the volcano area, I not really sure if it is OK to left the karma event untouched yet (frozen women, worker that kill by spider), as I read 35 page comment i will get bad end route if i didn't have enough karma in end of chapter 2. But guess there will be no problem as long as i keep a different safe file for every decision event.

I was amazed the effort you put on creating this game,
there are afew thing I like about this game
1. Some boss fight are challenging, worth the shot(Oni really get me there when I fight him unprepared), even for the easier one, player still better off finding a way to finish the fight ASAP, there are boss who HP are long despite of being weak hitter.
2. Dungeon design, different path end up reaching same destination (yeah and i cycle it like 2 times to confirm i am not missing out anything)
3. Hero balance, job/class balance make the fighting of this game worth (u know some game can just spam normal attack without using any skill)

and wow it had been 6 years since the game first release.

I hope I can finish all 7 diffrent ending within a week. Will post here again if I find any problem
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