Avid game fan from since I was barely big enough to hold a controller.




One of my bugfixes ended up making it impossible to save them in time. I've uploaded a new version which fixes that issue.

Thanks for reminding me. I was suppose to have fixed that long ago.. -_-;

While you're at it, think you could make the mutant/spare parts side a little easier? ^^; I must have tried 30 times by now to get through there, but even with the Friendly Mutant in your party, it's insanely difficult to get through that corridor (and, even if you make to the room and nab the spare parts, you're toast on the way back).

But for the record, the fact I've tried 30+ times to beat that one spot shows you've made an addicting game! Congrats for that! ^-^


I can't seem to make it back in time to keep the servants and Kana's classmates (save Lily) from dying. I don't understand what the problem could be, as I have gone straight to and from the rooms before, or I have just stopped to get the matches or see the fireplace (or both). But by the time I get back upstairs, it's too late.

Mind shedding a little light on what I'm doing wrong?
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