


The Rainbow Bright window skin really adds to the spooky atmosphere of this game.


Is "Raisin Bread" your phoenix down-ish item? If not, it should be...


What program did you use, Nines?



Here's a little somthin I came up with; I tried to give it a good "bronze-y" look:

I only used the font I did because I don't have any script-style fonts that are bold enough to work.

Here's a screenshot of the bevel settings I used:
Note the contour shape, highlight/shadow modes, and shadow color. This gives it that metallic sheen. I chose green because I thought it looked nice, but you could use any color really.

..and to get the chrome reflection effect I did this:

-Create a new layer. Put in a few bands of white-to-transparent gradients. Rotated/shifted it around until it fits over the text the way I want it to.
-Ctrl+clicked the text layer in the layers window (which "magic-wands" the text).
-Contracted the selection by 5 (1+the size of my bevel, 4).
-Invert selection.
-Making sure I'm on the layer I made the gradients, delete selection (this erases everything outside the contracted text).
-Set layer to Color Dodge.
-Decreased the lightness of the gradients to make it orange-ish (or I could have just made the gradients grey to begin with).

Also, note the placing of the individual letters. There's something kinda cool in there...


I'm hoping that it isn't too busy. I have a tendancy to do that...


It's supposed to be an old hidden path that hasn't been used in a long time. Even though there's a perfectly good treasure chest just sitting in the middle of it :P


Thanks for the feedback! I didn't really notice those bits of weird in the pictures. I'll probably just fix it (and a few other things I'll inevitably find) once I get my stylus up and running again and work on the final versions.

It's been about 10 years since I really attempted this kind of art, so I'm a bit rusty :P You don't even want to see the first few versions of these guys I did, LOL.


Looks more like they're riding invisible war ostriches.


I was expecting that rock formation to be some kind of Zelda-type push-block puzzle (hint hint...)


Alright; I tweaked the title just a bit.
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