Hello, RMN. Let's play a game.


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Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
Please leave a comment below telling me what your favorite color is.

You see, the reason I'm asking is because, while I was working on Soul Sunder, I realized that the main dungeon of the game, Purgatory, is meant to reflect the darker corners of the human mind. So why would I ask about the color specifically? And what does that have to do with Soul Sunder? Well, my friend, the answer is quite simple: Each color reflects a different human emotion. Red, for example, reflects anger and rage. Blue can represent sadness. Black represents a void, or total oblivion. Those are, obviously, examples. The human mind contains such a broad variety of emotions. So when I designed the different strata of the dungeon, what I actually want you to do is post below the name of the worst game you have ever played. This is actually a test to see if you read long-winded posts before replying. Do not follow any other instructions on any other part of this post. So, as you can see, I like to think that Purgatory is a well-designed dungeon from bother a gameplay standpoint and an artistic standpoint.

In summary, now that you've read the whole paragraph, please post below your personal favorite game on RMN that you believe holds a high amount of artistic quality. Don't post your favorite color. This is a test to see if you read an entire post before responding. Believe it or not, many people see an instruction given at the beginning and mentally shut out all other information. If you passed this test, then you are very good at examining a post. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey.
I'm hilarious.
You're magical to me.
This game right here. :P

Just kidding, I just said that because it's hard for me to remember which deserves that distinction. And I see what you did there XD
Guardian of the Description Thread
My favorite color is blue. Dark blue, actually. I'm... somewhat concerned about that now.

If you want games with awesome art, a few games come to mind. Aetherion was the first, but the concept art of Ghost Shards also floats in my head. Oh yeah, Night of Mirian, though Archeia_Nessiah also has Anagram to her name.

Oh man, I almost forgot about Pandora's Present, and Charlotte!

*Edit: I forgot about the worst game I've played on RMN. I guess that would be a toss-up between Poley and Waffle - War for the Wonder Blocks, and Marie Goes to Space.
Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
Thank you all for participating in this survey.

I believe we all have learned something about ourselves today.
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