Fire, Fira, and Firaga < Fire, AOE Fire, and Fire Weapon


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Depends what you're going for. If you want multi-tiered spells of an elemental nature, Fire/a/ga are fine. If you want to mix it up a bit and add physical damage, then the second is fine.

Personally I like something like:
Weak Effect-adding Elemental Spell
Weak AOE Elemental Spell
Strong Single Elemental Spell

That way each has a reason for being - one adds effects, one damages all enemies and one does a ton of damage. So if there's an enemy who isn't weak to fire, but has a lot of HP you could hit them with either the weak or strong fire spells. The weak one would apply an effect that could be beneficial and the strong will whittle their HP down a lot. The AOE is better for groups of enemies.

But, hey! You could always have the weak one apply the fire and effect to a weapon instead. Or just break away from threes altogether~
Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
For context, this status came from this post, where I was asked to make, essentially, versions of attack items that are just stronger than previous versions with no extra effect added, which I disagreed with, writing what eventually became this status as shorthand. Yes, I did copy/paste that line into a status because I'm vain.

Your example is great, and that's what I would put in a game, since I'm not a fan of getting stronger level spells that do nothing other than boost the damage output. If each new spell had an extra effect that made it just as useful as previous version, that's great.
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
Marin Karin is superior to all. :V
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