

"Someday, Somewhere, I'm Sure"

Heheh, thanks. c':

Oh, P.S. Decided to change the song's name to "Someday, Somewhere, I'm Sure" - thought it's much more fitting.

"Someday, Somewhere, I'm Sure"

Not really, but it is rather generic so I wouldn't be surprised. What're the names of those songs? I'll look it up on youtube.

"Someday, Somewhere, I'm Sure"

Thanks. This wasn't actually written as a game music, but yep - either that or like a login/waiting screen for some non-RPG game, heheh. But it's probably suited most for the kind of music that the call-centers play when they put you on hold. :P

"Someday, Somewhere, I'm Sure"

After listening to some old Disney songs, I was determined to write one that's of the same style myself!

It started okay, but. . . soon turned into elevator/easy-listening-esque music. :x I'm still fairly happy with the result as this is the first time I stumbled to this genre, and it's really fun - but looks like there's still some years ahead of me before I can write a Disney-esque song, heheh.

Anyhow, here it is!

"Someday, Somewhere, I'm Sure"
(c) 2008 Kan Gao

However, note that the real main melody is actually missing - But the "accompaniment" there is pretty much filled with side-melodies anyhow so it should hold up for now. c:

Thanks for your time, and hope ya enjoy!

Electric Bass Guitar (<v These two are now on my favourite instruments to use list!)
Acoustic Drums

Violin Ensemble
Cello Solo

P.S. This one isn't an open resource by the way, my apologies. :c But here are some open resource songs from me for those who might want them:
Labyrinth to Lunacy
The Mirror Lied

Changed the song's name; file name's still the old one though!

Online Persona vs. Real Life Person

Personally I feel there's no doubt that it's easier to adapt to different kinds of behaviour online than in real life - simply due to lesser consequences. However, I think one would probably not feel comfortable staying in a non-genuine persona for a long period of time, no matter the medium.

Happy Halloween! [Music: Labyrinth to Lunacy]

Glad it's of some use. :) Good luck with the project.

My Screenshot is Bigger Than Yours!

The TAUT reference wasn't at the "birdie" was it? Because if it was and there's something to do with "birdie" in TAUT too, I'm going to kick something. :'(

Quite a nice fun style and I especially like the castle. The ground seems like it could make better use of the "pattern-ish" style though, not sure if that's intended.

London MCM 08

I assume it's London England. :x I'm in a city called London right now, but it's in Canada.

Quintessence - The Blighted Venom

A few updates:


Continuing from where Chapter IX left off, Chapter X will take place in the spring.
However, the two months time-skip that occurred at the end of Chapter IX will not be simply forgotten - Chapter X will extensively focus on flashbacks to what happened during the two months that Lunair was unconscious(?), through the perspectives of Reivier, Serai, Kardian and co.

In the near future, The Making of Chapter X thread will be created in the Technical Discussions board as always, to track the progress of Chapter X's making. In-progress screenshots will be posted, suggestions and feedback will be welcomed, and news will be kept up to date.

Chapter X
"Sleeping Angel"

Here's a gorgeous recent fanart by Sakura Phoenix/Kieara Phoenix; wow, many many thanks to her:

The Mirror Lied

Thanks guys! :)

By the way, recently I tried a RM2k game called TAUT as someone mentioned it felt similar to this, and it's pretty cool - More or less Silent Hill-ish, and it starts up in a house with similar atmosphere and with phone calls and the like as well. It's survival horror though, and has a linear story. If ya liked this game, you might want to give that a try (just googling TAUT rm2k should get you there).