Saya likes to draw and play video games. =w=


So I heard that Introductions are going byebye soon...

My name is Saya, and I'm a college student, hopefully an art major. I like video games a bit too much for my own good, and I also like digital and pixel artwork as well as plot twists. I've stalked this site for a while now, and my two favorite games so far have been A Blurred Line and Dhux's Scar, which are both, ironically, RM2000 games. Other games I like are FFVII(Yeah, what?), FFIX, Chrono Trigger(Never actually played it, watched it on Youtube), Ragnarok Online, Kingdom Hearts, Golden Sun, and other games that I don't remember at the moment.

...Actually, it could be said that I have watched more games on Youtube than I have actually played myself. Saaaad.

I have a deviantart account(, although it should be advised that you don't look into my favorites, because the sheer cuteness of the material found there may be too much for the regulars of the Real Man's Network.

I go onto this site more than I do my Facebook, and I dream of one day becoming a moderator for this site and work for Microsoft in my spare time.

And everything I create a new topic, I want to put "yes" to the "Are you a bot?" question.

Any good RPGMaker XP Resource Links?

I just downloaded the trial for RPGMaker XP. I hate it. The RTP is so bland, uninspired, and UGH. (I miss RPGMaker 2000! 2000!!!!) (And seriously, why do all the medieval villages look exactly the same? It there no culture? French villages look different from Italian villages people! I don't see this difference in RPG games!! And I don't remember the last time I saw a tree in an RPG game that was something other than a pine tree or a stock perennial...)

So... does anyone know any good places I can look up graphics for the system? Character generators?


How to keep the autostart event from looping.

I tried playing around with some switches and variables, but so far, I've been unsuccessful in getting my beginning cutscene to not repeat.

Help please?

First Sprite Edit

How does it look? Does it look too different from the usual RTP?
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