

RMN Christmas Card 2017 - SIGN UPS CLOSED

I'll sign up for this because it looks neat

could I be wearing an ugly sweater while simultaneously describing said sweater is the most verbose way possible?

[RMXP] Controls and whatnot

So you can't disable the menu, then? (That was kind of the one I was looking for the most :P)

[RMXP] Controls and whatnot

How would I go about changing the DEFAULT controls (No, I am not talking about hitting F1, I'm talking about changed what the defaults are when you hit "RESET" in F1) are. I'd like to have the "Action" key be changed from "C" to "Z" if possible.

My second request would be to disable to shortcut to the menu (hitting "X").

And finally, I was wondering if it would be possible to disable changing the controls with F1 altogether, and instead have a custom in-game control menu.
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