

Smash Brothers

1. im a leasure player my self so i know what ya mean

2. Link! im a big zelda fan and if you think about it his a medevil verson of samus cuz he all so has range but you cant beat his sword attacks! they kick major ass!

3. as for tourment i play some peaple at school ( we have a smash bro club) and i beat some and loss to some so i say im a good player not as good as i could be

A Noobies first game

Hello every one im starting my first game on the
2k3 system and so far its going good i just need some help on the details would some answer my questions please and thank you

1. how do you make a event that only happens once? i dont know how my chests and thing you can get unlimed items out of them and repeated skits ect.

2. Steal command? could some one guide me thought it?

3. On 2k3 there those battle sets charaters i got some off of Chara how do i put them in to the game?

Thanks to any one who helps

Newbie here :)

Woah im new around here too
im starting my first project on 2k3!
I do need a bit of help tho ;D :'(
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