


Well seeing as this game is democracy, and the overwhelming majority said that the trees were a problem I'm going back and trying to get them right. This is kinda against my will, and I did kinda prefer it more before, it matters more that everyone else likes it more than me :). I'm guessing this isn't perfect either, so maybe you'll let me know until it's right on the money.


@ S.F. LaVille: I didn't make the pattern for the background, it was put together using a few fancy brushes. I locked the layer and put a gradient over it. I selected the design and the stroked it. And finished it of it a few more brush patterns on top of that, taking no real talent from me whatsoever. Like I said I don't know much of jack when it comes to technical stuff in PS, but I tend to find my way around when working on a purely aesthetic level. I can't take of any credit for the title screen, and I don't.

@Darken: No

@AznChipmunk: You see facesets are things in which you show characters faces. My characters look like that and so that's what the faces look like. Anymore questions?


Thanks a lot for the the tips S.F. LaValle (although lets admit the second one is pretty criticismy XD)

- Yes I am the artist as well as the everything else...when it comes to making the game. I love drawing Sienna's wild hair that way now. But that's all a matter of taste I suppose.

- As for the font....yeah, I knew ahead of time that may be an issue (but I thought the problem would be it not matching the rest of it). I guess I could look into a fancier font, it's just that Times has served me so well when it comes to every other menu but if I do use something else, it'll probably just be under their heads only. But trust me I'm not very photoshop savvy. I know a few tricks to get things to look pretty but that's about it. if your talking about "ATB-ACTIVE" being ugly, then I can't disagree. I just haven't found a way around it that works.

- I was thinking the exact same thing about the ring menu myself. I just couldn't think of what to use as an indicator(and the perfect orb looked sooo pretty ^^;).

-Last but not least, the controversial xp trees XD. I've haven't said this for whatever reason but I should now. I honestly can't tell the contrast is off. I can tell the colors are different and I actually like it that way to be honest. But I don't know what to say about the just looks right to me and nobody else(which pisses me off believe me >.<). When I edited the trees to make them blend in color with each other to a tee, it just looked awful imho....

It's too late for this battle map(which I want to redo anyway), but even I can tell how bad the shadows are off with the xp tiles. I really don't know why I haven't fixed them yet. I know it's a piece of cake, I just haven't done it yet. but It's on my list to do, so don't worry about that.

Sorry if I came off as defensive there at all. I'm taking all of that(cep't Sienna's hair) into consideration....and I will fix all that I can...but I am sooooooooooo utterly sick of tweaking this battle system it's not even funny. So I'll just come back to edit it at a later date. I'm moving on to something else for now. Once again thanks for taking the time to write up all the helpful tips.


Yeah they are the mack tilesets mixed with the rtp and a few custom things as well as edits.


Alright. Just added in Sienna for good measure.


And by :S, you mean totally sexy? Yeah, I can see that. It's okay to have the hots for Dante. I would to if I were you :D!

Darken, I promise you the most action packed and exciting wolf fights you have ever experienced in your entire life! Filled with drama and plot twists! You'll never look at a lv.1 wolf the same!

Breaktime's over. (Also Boss lists y/n)

Hmm, well I try my damnedest to not look at strategy guides for help whenever I can...I mean it's rare that I ever go through a game without using one once, but unlike a lot of my friends it's something I don't tend to rely on. But from the sounds of things, it would be really comforting having this info for the bosses, at least to look to just in case.

I would just like to know about level recommendations perhaps? Or would the enemy's level just be the recommended level?


Times New Roman FTW!!!

The Final Fantasy XIII topic

Oh yeah, there's now way in hell this games not gonna one of the the most overrated FFs of all time. It just seems inevitable.
But I'd be lying If I said I wasn't reeeaally looking forward to this game. I just need to decide which system to get if for...

Edit: the fact that there's no caterpillar system and battles take place on separate maps irks me quite a bit and seems like a step backwards from it's predecessor though...
They should plug in a caterpillar script and use Tankentai, but make the battleback transparent so you see the map.
You're a genius o_o! Why didn't I think of that?!

The Final Fantasy XIII topic

oopsy sent before I could even make my gosh darn point XD!
Yes, this is "IRREGARDLESSLY" going to be the one of the most successful and
popular of the series as it is with all of first games of the main series to hit the next
generation of systems.