


Well, decided to check this out. Found out I could trap myself in the desert the hard way.

The 2 upper left blocks can no longer be moved, and thus I cannot reset the puzzle.

R.I.P. my progress.

Final Fantasy VIII- The Sorceress War

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Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

Okay, I just got to the part with the two Merchants that are stuck in the cave thing in Bariden.

I know this may not matter, but I REALLY want to get all 3 of their questions right. I got the first 2 fairly easily, but I can't for the life of me remember the name of the F class champ. Also, and his is on a more nit-picky note, since these guys are from the past, and there is no F class arena in the past, how do they know the name of the FUTURE champ? Just thought I'd point that out...

Thanks in advance!
I sorta cheated on that 1st quiz. Ran a 2nd instance of the exe so I could load my backup save, run to the arena to get the name, and alt+tabbed back to input it before closing the extra instance.
Getting all 3 answers correct on the 1st quiz makes them open both doors instead of just the one to the right. If I remember correctly, the left path gets you a strength seed. I think the name was "Leslie".

Also, they saw the future in the cards/they are psychic/gameplay and story segregation :D
I must be horrible at spelling, because I swear I tried Leslie twice. Is it case sensitive.

Either way, thanks a ton for the help! And I'm glad I didn't drive myself nuts for nothing.

I had the wrong one.
It was "Clyde".

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

Okay, I just got to the part with the two Merchants that are stuck in the cave thing in Bariden.

I know this may not matter, but I REALLY want to get all 3 of their questions right. I got the first 2 fairly easily, but I can't for the life of me remember the name of the F class champ. Also, and his is on a more nit-picky note, since these guys are from the past, and there is no F class arena in the past, how do they know the name of the FUTURE champ? Just thought I'd point that out...

Thanks in advance!

I sorta cheated on that 1st quiz. Ran a 2nd instance of the exe so I could load my backup save, run to the arena to get the name, and alt+tabbed back to input it before closing the extra instance.
Getting all 3 answers correct on the 1st quiz makes them open both doors instead of just the one to the right. If I remember correctly, the left path gets you a strength seed. I think the name was "Leslie". It was "Clyde".

Also, they saw the future in the cards/they are psychic/gameplay and story segregation :D

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

Yeah, it is.

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

Is there anything interesting down in the Allegan Mines? I'm pretty sure I explored all the paths I could, but didn't find anything interesting.
There are a couple treasure boxes down there in the dark, be sure to bring torches.

I found it hard in these darkened areas because the visibility circle was centered on the screen (which I think is the only way the engine lets you do it) instead of the character, so it stops at the edge of the map. Maybe if you ever do any tweaks Orias, you can slightly expand the map with the new space filled with black tiles. *puppy eyes*

Unless that was intentional for secrets hiding.
It is, TEO. I remember doing it when I was testing, but if ran out of torches, I would use outside so the map can be seen for a short time, or reloaded the game at the saved points from exploring and possible finding dead ends from the previous run. And that's how I memorized it to the other treasures!! =D

Btw, you guys. Those treasures are worth finding for Oruba, IF you use him alot.
Oooh I didn't realize the escape lit up the map like that. I wound up sketching my map to narrow down where I had and hadn't been because I have memory issues. With my brain, not my pc! lol.

And I think I had Oruba with me for 90% of my 1st playthrough. I like exploding things >:)

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

Is there anything interesting down in the Allegan Mines? I'm pretty sure I explored all the paths I could, but didn't find anything interesting.
There are a couple treasure boxes down there in the dark, be sure to bring torches.

I found it hard in these darkened areas because the visibility circle was centered on the screen (which I think is the only way the engine lets you do it) instead of the character, so it stops at the edge of the map. Maybe if you ever do any tweaks Orias, you can slightly expand the map with the new space filled with black tiles. *puppy eyes*

Unless that was intentional for secrets hiding.

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

How exactly do you transfer save files to the new version? Do you just move them from the old folder to the new folder with the updated game? Cause I tried that and I didn't notice any of the new changes.
Copy your Save1.rvdata ~ Save4.rvdata files to new versions folder, load game then area change.

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

Holy crap I fixed it. PM'ing details. You were actually on the right track with what you were doing.

Ever wondered how many events you can cram onto a single map before VX's engine implodes from the strain? About this many, or about 18,000 assuming each event uses 2 tabs with diff graphic on each.

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

And I just got done checking, I did right it correctly. Also verified when the glitches start:
The map screwage only happens if you fully exit back to the world map and re-enter the cave after reading that plaque.
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