

New Game Seeking Team

Oh snap as I read that the site loaded, gonna check sphere out again for the first time in yeara

New Game Seeking Team

* A bit off topic here but is spheredev down for anyone else? I was looking into it after reading this topic but can't get onto the website (404 error)

RPGS... you've beaten

Rogue Galaxy (disc won't read, I was at the final place)

Aww man happened to you as well? Mine froze after the first phase of the final boss :(

What must MMORPGs do to reinvent themselves?

Ah well said, didn't think of sub-genres, guess I need to wake up some more and stop being so sleepy before saying things xD

What must MMORPGs do to reinvent themselves?

Don't ruin my dreams D=

But I agree it's not feasible and 99/100 times is just going to end up being pretty shite.

Edit: Downloading WURM but not gonna get my hopes up, also my farmer thing wasn't so much for realism and more to make it feel like you are actually doing something and gain more rewards for questing other than xp and a usually shit item, (even if once a week he manages to blow his farm back up again)

What must MMORPGs do to reinvent themselves?

MMORPG Theory:Replace repetitive grinding with roguelike elements. Randomly generate events, enemies, items, quests. Randomize skills and world events. Tie the random number generator to elements like time-of-day, time-of-year, past in-game events, etc. In the end it still boils down to re-using content but it might breathe some fresh life into the genre. Every day becomes a new, random and unpredictable adventure with your friends!

Someone with a few million dollars go do that!

Going a step further, have the events of the previous days effect future events, such as, if you rebuild a farmers farm one day, he might offer courier work, or for you to defend from bandits or such

What must MMORPGs do to reinvent themselves?

I agree with most of what you said apart from the 'wanting a new genre', which I can understand with most other genres such as an fps, theres not too much that can be changed up without it not being an fps anymore whilst an MMORPG is such a broad genre the only key elements you need are lots of people online, and an rpg so a lot of things could be changed in terms of how you go about killing stuff, questing etc, but with an fps there aren't too many ways of walking around in first person shooting people.

Maybe I'm being stupid though so meh, I too enjoy the current form of mmos, but a massivly new concept for one would be nice to see

Ello, Ello.

Ello Guvnor, enjoy your time here

What must MMORPGs do to reinvent themselves?

Yeah SAO is where I got my desire for VR from, it's all I've been able to think about the last 4-5 days xD

I don't fully agree that any MMO can be fun with the standard formula, as even with the same formula it can be done really well or really poorly (I personally loved Rift but hated how SWTOR ended up), that and I'm getting kinda sick of the same thing over and over again.

What must MMORPGs do to reinvent themselves?

I would kill people for a virtual reality mmo, but that's unrealistic for the next few years at least. That said, I'm kinda stuck when thinking about innovation in terms of what to do, but I do reckon we need to do away with quest-grinding, and even that damn hot bar. No clue what to replace them with off the top of my head though.