
[Unity] Die Based RPG Combat

Here’s an explanation of what I have in mind for battle.

1. Each character can move a certain amount of squares every turn. This action is granted for free every turn.

2. Each character has a combat value, represented by a skull. The higher the better.

3. The combat value is translated as dice rolled. A combat of 3 means rolling three dice and a number of 2, 2 dice etc…

I'd like to animate the die actually rolling but it'll fiendishly difficult in 2D as opposed to use 3d. So I'm pushing it that back until I have a better idea of how to do it.

4. There’s no order per se as far as close combat is concerned. It’s not like D&D when you attack, then your enemy attacks. Explained further in 5.

5. When a close combat attack is initiated, characters involved roll their combat in dice.
Ex.: Rogue rolls 2 dice against a goblin which rolls 1.
The rogue rolls 3 and 5 while goblin rolls 3.

6. The highest score is selected. The highest score wins.
Ex.: Rogue gets a score of 5 while goblin gets a score of 3.

7. Then determine the difference between the 5 and the 3. This would be done automatically through coding.
Ex.: In this case, it’s 2.

8. The difference is then influenced by the damage of the weapon used. Weaker weapons have a smaller damage factor while more powerful ones have a higher damage number.

Ex: The weapon factor for a sword is 1. This is the standard for most common weapons.
The weapon factor for the dagger is 0.5. This is the standard for smaller, weaker weapons.

Let’s say the rogue is using a sword and the goblin a dagger.

The Rogue would get a damage output of 2 (2x1) while the goblin would get a damage output of 1 (2x0.5).

9. The next step is adding in armor. One way to do this could be to have armor reduce the amount of damage taken by a certain amount. While this is the most practical way of using armor, I also feel like I could be more original here. For one thing, I’d like armor to degrade as it’s being hit, offering less and less protection with wear and tear.

10. Whatever damage output remains is reduced from the health pool of the character. For example, a goblin with 3 health would be down to 1 health after being injured.

One thing I need to keep in mind is that risk of one-hit kill, especially when it comes to player characters. If a player character rolls a 1 and the enemy rolls a 6, he could potentially take a 5 health points loss. My current player characters have a low health count at the moment, so I need to adjust this accordingly.

11. Morale: this is a concept I want to put in to mitigate RGN. The player has a pool of morale points which are refreshed each turn. He can use MP (morale points) to influence the result of a roll. For example, he can spend one MP to increase a die roll of one point, turning a 4 into 5. I find this will allow players some control on the outcome of roll die.

Morale in of itself could also be influenced by the results of battle. Again, I’m on the fence about this. A losing party would be in ever bigger trouble if the RNG isn’t going their way. On the other hand, an already winning party would be in an even better position because there would be even more Morale points available.


So here it is. What do you guys think? I need to be 100% sure about this before we go into coding to avoid any backtracking which is a big no-no.

[Paid] [Music & Sound Effect] 100 Masks

I'm looking for a (cheap) composer for my next game, 100 Masks. To be completely honest, I hired a pro composer for my other game and it was way overkill. Which is why I'm looking for someone who's starting/amateur. That way I can pay less and you guys can get some money, exposure and experience.

Contact me through PM with a quote for your price.

I'm looking for someone who'd do the SFX as well. They can grab royalty free sfx if they want as long as they can be used in a commercial game.

I'm looking for something very small actually on the music side:

1. General exploration music, something grim and dark. Sort of like something you'd find in the darkest dungeon.

2. Battle music, something exciting.

That's it. There's likely going to be quite a few sfx however.

Let me know, thanks!

[Art] Miniatures


Could you tell me which one you think look best and why? It's supposed to be a soldier miniature sort of like you see in Warhammer. How would you improve on it?

Pixel Art For Sale: Looking for Suggestions

Hello guys,

As I can't create new threads because of a website bug, I edited this message in order to post my message.

Pixels for sale:
Like other pixel artists on RMN, I'd like to offer my services.

Looking for suggestions:
I'm actually interested in selling my art as "packs" for rpgmaker games as an alternative to the basic set.

In order not to make things that people won't want, I wanted to ask you guys what your needs were.

Things so far:

For my first pack, I thought making icons would be a good idea. So I made 55 icons for 5.00$.

Click the image if you're interested.


I'm also currently working on a racing game elements.


I can pretty much sprite anything. Is there anything you think people would be interested into as far as tilesets are concerned?

Looking forward to your suggestions. Thank you.

Voice Acting Microphone

Hello guys!

So I'd like to give voice acting a shot. As I do my own art, I'd be more independent as far as game development is concerned. I'm just really attracted to the idea of doing good voice acting. I wonder how I'll overcome to challenges of being a good voice actor.

Anyway, I'm looking into buying a microphone for the actual voice acting. There are so many out there, it's really hard to tell which one to buy. I'd like to buy a second hand one on ebay.

I'm not looking for something off the chart but something good enough so that I can record something equivalent to more recent adventure games as far as the actual voice acting. I want the sound to sound good enough to be a in a game where people won't go: "This sounds cheap."

Could you provide suggestions based on your own experiences please? Perhaps samples of your own work with your microphone would be appropriate too!


Famous Weapons & Armors

Hello guys,

So I'm working on the forge for my game and I want to adorn the walls with various famous weapons from video games... and I've run out of ideas.

I have the Master Sword and the axe from Dark Souls at the moment. I'd like to have more weapons which are recognizable. They should all be different types (bow, flail, two handed sword, etc...).

If you could provide a reference picture, that'd be extra nice although I can use google image to find it myself.

Colors mess up for GIF

When I upload a gif to my game profile, some colors disappear or are messed up (inversed). Why is this? How could I avoid this?

Here it is as imgur vs rmn:

[Design] Effective Battle Mechanics for my game

Alright guys!

So the objective of this thread is to discuss the combat mechanics of my game. I’ve reached a creative block and I think getting a fresh look at things from other people will allow me to see things differently and find a solution.

First things first:
So basically, following the first technical demo (the one available right now), one recurrent criticism was the lack of dynamism. This was because the game was a traditional, hardcore turn-based battle.

Since then (a few months ago) we’ve been working on making the game more dynamic. This resulted in losing the strategic aspect in favor for something action oriented, which is not what I wanted. So, as for now, I’m trying to find a middle ground between action and strategy.

Active Time Battle Alternative:
In older, FF games, ATB was the idea to have your ball fill up before you could act.

In my game, it’s a derivative from that.

Your energy bar fills up over time, just like an ATB would. The difference is that different actions have different energy costs. More potent actions take longer to charge up while the minor ones require less energy.

I like this mechanic and thin it will work wonderfully. But it's also part of the problem.

What’s the problem then?
The first problem is the energy regeneration rate. Basically, it needs to charge fast enough so that the player doesn’t have to wait idly to act in battle but it shouldn’t be so fast that every action is always available right away because you always have energy on hand. This one will be fixed via tweaking and beta testing.

The second problem is movement.
I like to have distance and range as part of battles. I think it’s fun and to use terrain to your advantage, using long-range abilities and so on. The implantation of this is more of a headache however.

The penalty for moving at the moment is that your energy doesn’t regenerate when you do.This means that you have to sacrifice energy regeneration time when you move in for a melee. You can of course wait until the enemy is nearby to use melee which would be more strategic. This again, can be tweaked with beta testing so I can see this getting resolved from player feedback an in-house testing.

The third problem is the offense/defense mechanic of things.
In Super Mario RPG, you know when the attack is coming because it uses an underlying turn based mechanics. You can then basically react and dodge and defend against assaults.

In my game, you don’t as there are not turns per se.

The problem I was facing is that I had no chance to dodge attacks as they were happening right in the middle of battle and were happening too fast, without warning.

The solution we found for this was Vagrant Story. It’s also a mechanic in
Batman and Mad Max I believe.

In these games, an exclamation mark appears when an attack is about to happen, so you can react to it. So when the player is about to be attacked, an exclamation mark appears on top of the foe.

The problem is that is went the other way so to speak. Attacks went from being unavoidable to easily parried because you know they’re coming. This is the one problem I have the most trouble with really.

So the question is:
How can I have a system in place which gives the player a chance to actively participate in battle in the offense/defense phases of things without making things too hard (attacks come too fast), too easy (attacks are telegraphed and easy to defend against) and without resorting to hard turn-based and sticking to the ATB derivative I have set in motion at this point in time?
That’s what I’d like to read about. How would you go about it? Have you played games that had similar mechanics and pulled off things well in that aspect?

Thanks for reading!


[Poll] Character Progression Mechanics


Basically I'd like to feel the pulse regarding character development.

I'm actually looking for a unique, never seen before level system so I figured we might brainstorm ideas.

[Marketing?] The Greatest Gift of them All!

Rewards Brainstorming

So I would say I'm about 75% done with the KickStarter presentation which is taking most of my free time right now. Writing the descriptions, making the art, organizing everything and other related management tasks.

I would say my last stumbling block concerns the rewards and I'll tell you why.

Here's what I have so far (the following is in Canadian Dollars, not US). Each of the tier include the previous tiers:

1$: Thank you.

10$: Full game when completed

15$: Early Access

25$: Digital Soundtrack + name in the credits.

100$: Portrait in-game (limited)

150$: Design a foe (limited)

200$: Design an ability (limited)

So as you can see the issue here is the wide gap between the 25$ tier and the 100$ one. Also, none of the tiers identified here have any "physical" rewards. 1,500$ out of 25,000$ (so that's about 6% of the total amount) is meant to be invested for physical rewards (in order to cover shipping and the actual reward).

Now of course I'd like to have rewards which are game-related and the least generic as possible.

From my humble understanding of things rewards can make or break a campaign. This is definitely unknown territory for me so I'm looking for different opinions and insights. From my personal experience, you always end up with a better result when you pool the ideas of people as opposed to limiting yourself to your own opinions and beliefs.

I've some idea but I feel "meh" about them:

#1: T-shirts? With so many t-shirts do people really care about that?

#2: Posters. Not very original.

#3: Icon to represent the backer in-game (sort of overlaps with the portrait).

#4: Toaster X plushy: Is there enough attachment/popularity about the character to make this a viable choice.

#5: Japanese/English dictionary. Don't know if I could get a deal if I buy a big amount?

So I don't have any ideas at the moment, I mean none I feel super excited about.

So there you go, I thought we'd brainstorm together.

Thanks for reading!