

Homework Salesman

Hey, listen, I don't know if you can of you want to help anymore, but, I have a problem. There seems to be a difference in the text fonts in my game. I read the manual and compared the fonts, and mine seems different, which cause some text to be cut out.
Do you know what I can do? Is there some way to change text fonts in the game?

Memories of Elefee

I may be into something gnarly, so I just needed a good script!

Memories of Elefee

Hey! There's a thing I may need to know, and it's something I want to add up to some projects of mine.
What script you use for the battler-charactershowing-sprites'n'fighting-goodness?
I mean, for the battlers and stuff.

Memories of Elefee

I've been playing again and I have some bug reports, or whatever they are:

-Spirit's blessing says Holy blessing when it's being unleashed... I don't know if that's right, but it's nice to know.
-There's at least two little girls that are "little boys" in post-vampire Granyer. Their sprites are of little girls, but the text says they're little boys.
-If you enter the forest after killing the vampire, Neccia will not accompany you out of battles, she'll still fight the battles you fight, but won't be following you on the world map, or on towns. To fix that, get to the end of the forest following her and exit(this was more of a warning to players).
-If after you kill the vampire, you go to the castle, enter the part with the bridge and exit, you will end up in port town. It's really weird.
...That's it, I hope I helped.

Grind Saga

... what does TLDR mean?

Memories of Elefee

I double posted again.
Well, so, on another topic, what exactly is yours and your partner's role on the development of the game? By guessing, I'd say you drawn and your part programs. What an awesome team you make!
I actually do just about everything, she's busy more times than not, but she contributes a lot of ideas to the game and helps me with story progression. She also playtests, corrects my mistake and drew the title screen for me. She's also working on an animated battler for the update that will come out eventually.

Ok, thanks for the info!

Memories of Elefee

I'm sorry for all the bad things I've said about the grinding in your game... I thought it was not paying off well... sniff... until I started playing "A very long rope to the top of the sky".
I'm just, so sorry. I never knew grinding could be so exausting in a game, and I tought yours was tiring, but it's not even a fraction of AVLRTTTOTS.
I apologize for my troubles... except for the super saiyan slimes. You agree with me on that one.
Well, so, on another topic, what exactly is yours and your partner's role on the development of the game? By guessing, I'd say you drawn and your part programs. What an awesome team you make!

Memories of Elefee

I'm sorry for all the bad things I've said about the grinding in your game... I thought it was not paying off well... sniff... until I started playing "A very long rope to the top of the sky".
I'm just, so sorry. I never knew grinding could be so exausting in a game, and I tought yours was tiring, but it's not even a fraction of AVLRTTTOTS.
I apologize for my troubles... except for the super saiyan slimes. You agree with me on that one.
Well, so, on another topic, what exactly is yours and your partner's role on the development of the game? By guessing, I'd say you drawn and your part programs. What an awesome team you make!

Memories of Elefee, I'm pretty sure she does NOT equip bows.
I'm serious. I bought a bow, then I tried to equip it to her, and it didn't have that option. And I don't think it has anything to do with the battler(which I assume its the sprites when fighting). It just doesn't work.

Memories of Elefee

And dragon riding.
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