

Night of Marian

Just how many games are you working on? O_o
Awesome as usual, really looking forward this game.

Fabulous resource I'd like to share with all of you.

Already know this one when someone mentioned musagi
pretty cool little app. Other apps there are worth a check too


wow, that's one damn good map

Favorite Game On a Floppy Disc?


How, actually? I don't really get the screenie. Looks good though

Notice System & Subscriptions

Nice. Maybe I'll have to prepare for my mailbox to be flooded with notifications though, considering that I have like 100 games subscribed

Updates: User posts, Makerscore tweaks, and more!

Hmm...my first three games are completed, so...

PH1 is 3 stars and worth 240 ms.
PH2 is 1 1/2 stars and worth 75 ms.
PH3 is 4 stars and worth 510 ms.
PH4 is a demo in production rated 3 1/2 stars and worth 280 ms.


you forget your numerous reviews


Where do you get those chipsets?

Chronology of the Last Era

What's the point of the save points if you can save anywhere? Well not really, but I remember lot of the maps allow you to save. Also there are several passability error, mostly with crates, and in the rooftop in the upper left area of the city.

Great game btw, I haven't get far in the game, but so far it's good and very well presented. Looking for the completed version!

RMN3 Bugs

Works just fine for me.