Journey to the East
Black Galax: Revert
Thanks RenMana And Raze >< Well, I think Athena more hard than caron lol :v but why to be continued >w< I will wait for the next, thanks for the game Raze :3
Black Galax: Revert
aaaa it was so hard when fighting god hades and athena >< athena always dies first, what should I do?
Black Galax: Revert
before I know it, it was all dead and the last was gary xD bcs I don't know the pass ._. I already know from the first it was gary because he just only saying his nickname >.>
Black Galax: Revert
Black Galax: Revert
can I change what i want? I already finished the court trial but... it was the game at death quarter >.> when the group already split up, vincent isabel raven and lilium first game :' i don't know the pass code :' btw this game is really fun :3
Black Galax: Revert
Black Galax: Revert
please help me with the question at rebuttal follow ups :' at Dr Valley investigation :' please send all the answers for the round 2 investigation like rebuttal follow ups etc :'