Hello, my name is Ann Elizaga,
I am just a addicted game player
who loves to play games.



The Red Curse

@pikasprey I have taken away the forced interaction with all the stuff
and going to work hard making the game much better.


i'm going to make a whole let's play of this game.

Dark Sketch

I wanted to be able to play the game. I guess no download link. :(

Long Gone Days

I will play this game soon and do a game play of it.

War of Existence

I'll play the game and make a whole game play of it. I play a lot of RPG games or any kind of games on my free time. I hope you make more games in the future. This game looks pretty good.


I'm at the puzzle where you guess if the number is greater or less than. I don't get it no matter what I do. What is the best way to figure this out?

Maria Maria

I know you guys. I'm sorry for the terrible game.
I shouldn't have put it up on here. I probably
will work on it more and make it better.


I would play this once it comes out! :)

zz Grimore Fort

I would test this game if the demo ever comes out. :)

Alone - Cold Winter

I love the demo so far. The story and environment reminds me so much Silent Hill.
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