Lux Libertas - Early recordings
How do I show battle animations on top of a parallax layer?
Thx, but nevermind, I just found out the scriptor had a new update, everything is in working order now. Thanks for replying.
The sprite object for the parallax map should have a Z coordinate set somewhere; if you lower the value for it, animations should show on top.
How do I show battle animations on top of a parallax layer?
Hi all, I'm quite a noobie when it comes to RPG Maker VX Ace. I am currently using Yami's parallax mapping script, and I am making a cut-scene where battle animations will be present on the screen. However these animations are showing underneath my parallax layer, any help will be appreciated.
thx Shade_Hunter, I've been playing with the XP and VXAce tilesets and what not to accomplish this custom battle idea. I know alot of other games utilize the entire screen for their battles, however I thought it would be interesting if I narrowed the battle back to give it a film kind of look, thus the final result. I think I would stick to this concept for further projects if any.
Thats nice idea that you have done those two statues in the battleback. Beatiful...
Progress Report 4/17/2013
One Weapon VS Lots of Weapons & Encounters
instead of EXP points, maybe make a loot item that you exchange at stores for items that increase character STATS. Like 10 orbs for LifeUp for example.
OH, plum trees. I thought they were Frangipani (Plumeria) trees at first.
I'm not a spriter so I just recolor the pre-existing sprites that come with RTP
*Darken town walls
*Resized all windows
*Shaded in some floor tiles
*Mixed a small amount of broken floor tiles
*Added extra details to plants and clock tower
*Resized all windows
*Shaded in some floor tiles
*Mixed a small amount of broken floor tiles
*Added extra details to plants and clock tower
Eh, love-hate.
- The walls surrounding the town should have some more shading.
- The proportions of the windows and the doors is odd, when compared to the house itself.
- The ground tile is a bit boring. I would add some subtle shadows on random parts of that tile, some broken pieces of the same tile, etc.
Other than that, I like it.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll play around with it some more when I have time. :)