

Lux Libertas - Early recordings

Subscribed! Beautiful mapping! I like!

How do I show battle animations on top of a parallax layer?

Thx, but nevermind, I just found out the scriptor had a new update, everything is in working order now. Thanks for replying.

The sprite object for the parallax map should have a Z coordinate set somewhere; if you lower the value for it, animations should show on top.

How do I show battle animations on top of a parallax layer?

Hi all, I'm quite a noobie when it comes to RPG Maker VX Ace. I am currently using Yami's parallax mapping script, and I am making a cut-scene where battle animations will be present on the screen. However these animations are showing underneath my parallax layer, any help will be appreciated.


thx Shade_Hunter, I've been playing with the XP and VXAce tilesets and what not to accomplish this custom battle idea. I know alot of other games utilize the entire screen for their battles, however I thought it would be interesting if I narrowed the battle back to give it a film kind of look, thus the final result. I think I would stick to this concept for further projects if any.

Thats nice idea that you have done those two statues in the battleback. Beatiful...

Progress Report 4/17/2013

I like :3

thx :3

One Weapon VS Lots of Weapons & Encounters

instead of EXP points, maybe make a loot item that you exchange at stores for items that increase character STATS. Like 10 orbs for LifeUp for example.


OH, plum trees. I thought they were Frangipani (Plumeria) trees at first.

I'm not a spriter so I just recolor the pre-existing sprites that come with RTP


*Darken town walls
*Resized all windows
*Shaded in some floor tiles
*Mixed a small amount of broken floor tiles
*Added extra details to plants and clock tower


Eh, love-hate.
- The walls surrounding the town should have some more shading.
- The proportions of the windows and the doors is odd, when compared to the house itself.
- The ground tile is a bit boring. I would add some subtle shadows on random parts of that tile, some broken pieces of the same tile, etc.

Other than that, I like it.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll play around with it some more when I have time. :)


The battle system will be governed by an atb gauge, skills will be govern by cooldown system, and enemies attack regardless if you're in command window, so quick decisions is key
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