

Introduction to Linux course MOOC

IMHO GNU/Linux is easier to use than Windows. Just use it and read the documentation and will see why. Windows documentation for specific tech tasks is very brief.

[Poll] Do you think RM2K/3 will ever die off completely?

Short answer: No, EasyRPG will make RM2k/3 games working on the future and in multiple platforms (already even on Android).

[Discussion] Making my own RPG Maker like editor


Why not joining efforts on existing codebase from other featured editor? e.g. https://github.com/EasyRPG/Editor-Qt

It already imports RPG Maker games, edits maps (even paints autotiles) and enumerates commands in the event properties window.

Wanna try? https://easy-rpg.org/jenkins/job/editor-qt-windows/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/bin/easyrpg_editor_qt_windows.zip

BTW, before running the play test of rm2k/3 imported games you need to add the Player.exe executable into the game project folder by hand (yet).


[Rm2k/3] Discovering savegame data

Because we are not pros in binary executable debugging, we are using tools to check how rm2k(3) savegames work.

According with this file, there are at least near 25% of unknown data chunks yet:


(only lines starting with Save)

We are creating minimum maps, adding minimum stuff, saving, converting the save to xml, playing something specific in game, saving again, then converting again to a separate xml file. Then opening both xml with WinMerge portable or any other diff tool to check value changes and guess the unknown data.

The reverse way to try to understand data is editing save values in xml and converting back to SaveXX.lsd with the same tool and load the save slot in RPG_RT and see what happens, but could add unreachable and invalid data values.

If you want to help with this you can get the lcf2xml tool from another post in the programming and plugins forum:

[Rm2k3] undesirable B&W charset in Shop window

I guess this can be modified in EasyRPG Player in this conditional block:


Note how blitters update color channels.

In RPG_RT.exe I have no idea, it's closed source.

[devel] liblcf and lcf2xml

Bump. The LCF2XML is more interesting for non-developers. Translators will be happy with this.

If you want to read Japanese game texts, it might fail with some specific full width character conversion like wave dashes due to a Windows design bug. It will work fine on other operating systems.

To do this, add this code to RPG_RT.ini:

[Poll] Do you think RM2K/3 will ever die off completely?

RM2k3 does not have official support (RM2k has support yet). This is an official death. However, games made with it can be supported by they authors, but not the interpreter (RPG_RT.exe).

My thoughts about the tech part and why we should not use third party patches (DynRPG and such) and develop an open and compatible RPG Maker (already being made):


Looking forward

You are right, so let's make it happen as RPG developers we are.

I've created a new post with some developer information to read and write RPG Maker 200x game data with ease:


We're already working on a new game editor supporting RPG Maker native format import and already can edit tile map data and the map tree. It's under heavy active development. However, it won't support patched games. We encourage all patch developers to make alternate projects reliable by hacking its patches as new editor/interpreter features instead hacking memory bits in unsupported and license-limited products.

The new game editor code in progress, will be announced later:

[devel] liblcf and lcf2xml

Hi all, this is an introduction about some developer stuff related with RPG Maker 2000/3.


liblcf is a library to handle RPG Maker 2000 and 2003 game data.
It can read and write LCF and XML files.
Part of C++ source files can be regenerated from templates and CSV files using a Python script.

Examples of the usefulness of the library

- Better RTP dependency scanners
- Game translation tools
- Game interpreters and editors
- Game data analysis (e.g. automatic game data information retrieval for websites)


RPG_RT.ldb: 100%
RPG_RT.lmt: 100%
MapXXXX.lmu: 100%
SaveXX.lsd: 75%

- ANSI/SHIFT_JIS to UTF-8 conversion (WinAPI or iconv)
- Binary and XML native file format support


- libexpat (optional, for XML reading)

How to fill more SaveXX.lsd unknown data

- Edit the fields.csv file inside the csv folder with WordPad/Excel/LibreOffice Calc and fill with new Save chunk information
- execute generate.py (requires Python) to regenerate C++ files from csv
- rebuild liblcf.


liblcf is released under the MIT license.

Source code



LCF2XML is a small command line based tool to convert RPG Maker 2000(3) data to XML and vice-versa.

Examples of the usefulness of the tool

- Helps liblcf improvement
- Low level game data and savegames editing
- Game interpreter development and debugging
- Game data analysis

Supported files

RPG_RT.lmt, RPG_RT.ldb MapXXXX.lmu, SaveXX.lsd and their XML versions.

Usage examples

lcf2xml.exe Map0001.lmu mymap.xml
lcf2xml.exe mymap.xml Map0001.lmu

lcf2xml.exe Save01.lsd Save01.xml
lcf2xml.exe Save01.xml Save01.lsd

lcf2xml.exe RPG_RT.ldb thedatabase.xml
lcf2xml.exe thedatabase.xml RPG_RT.ldb

lcf2xml.exe RPG_RT.lmt maptree.xml
lcf2xml.exe maptree.xml RPG_RT.lmt


Continuous builds for Windows:


lcf2xml is released under the MIT license.

Source code


Looking forward

Though rpgmakerweb is still alive, tkool.jp has been closing product support for a bunch of products (some of them were not very old). No blog updates since almost a year, tkool_dev account abandoned since 6 months ago and his account manager did some farewell. It's known Kadokawa was doing a branding reorganization, however there are no news from the tkool part. They made more product licensing but no further development in more RPG Maker products, the latest is RPG Maker DS+.

Looks like rpgmakerweb tries to maintain the licensed line with some artistic packs, translations are taken and refurbished from third party translators who made a translation first then made official. But no significative new software stuff.

Is time for changing things? How we should look forward with current situation? Are they preparing some big product for Android or other mainstream devices?

Apart of this rant, does it have any relation with the programming and plugins forum?

Nowadays we can do more things with crowdsourcing: doing games, software and this make us competent and play with the same level than some small studio companies, for fun or not. There are individual projects like Neko RPGXP or Choco Player doing great things with game interpretation on exotic platforms, or open source implementations like MKXP or EasyRPG Player. But there are also some easy to use editor efforts on the way.

However, if we want to look forward I see some growing projects a bit sticked into executable hacks, making the scene to increase the handicap between existing games and limit their platform expansion.

We should be aware of this, and keep in mind those games won't work anymore in a few years due to OS API deprecations. RPG Maker 2003 official support finished in 2012; is a dead product, like Windows XP.

To look forward and keep the 2000/2003 scene I believe in new interpreters as the right way to play with, and make them the preferred community products, made from it. There are some challenges with the current situation, and people involved with this have the key to help with the renewal.