

Title Screens

We need to make that RMN splashscreen the official RMN logo. It's great!

rmn has a logo... i worked very hard on it... :'(


aaaaaa sagawind

What are you thinking about right now?

though i am not of age to vote, if I could I would vote for him.
do not judge my knowledge of politics

it's probably for the best. he's a racist, a homophobe, the worst kind of capitalist (he's a monetarist, an economic theory retrospectively discredited by its chief proponent and symbolic father milton friedman), believes global warming is a hoax, wants to extend states' rights to any matter not covered under the constitution, the actual ramifications of which would include individual states overruling roe v. wade, witholding one of the most important of women's rights (incidentally, ron paul also reintroduced the sanctity of life act in 2005 for this very purpose)

saying that ron paul is certifiably insane would give him too much credit as not being completely disgusting. i do not wish to do so

The RPG Music Challenge - Phase 1 Results!

from reading the critique i'd suggest people came in with a lot of preconceptions. kids today, no imagination

World Ease of Use: Interactivity and You



Ccs Help

is it closely related to css? ;D

assumedly the css for comments has had its id changed

The RPG Music Challenge - Phase 1 Results!

everybody seemed to be hung up on lava *shrugs*

The RPG Music Challenge - Phase 1 Results!

0. kill me

January 18 SOPA Blackout

Globalization is awesome


What are you thinking about right now?

banned for being a moron

how ignominious...