

Umbral Soul

so when I'm visiting the old burned down village from Lianna's childhood and it says 'darkness increased', that's the same thing?

Umbral Soul

Are these the same darkness points that you get from visiting certain places and triggering some small story segments?

Umbral Soul

Does accumulating darkness from visiting various areas affect the story, or does it just help mechanically by boosting your stats?

Iron Gaia

is there a walkthrough? Because I don't know how to get past this Deltus guy on the train

Shukumei Star


is there way to unjam that one cart in the last level of the mines?

Shukumei Star

How does one get the Kraken?

Shukumei Star

are there any monsters that one might miss for the monster sketch?

Sunken Spire

Oh, hey, there's a box on one of the floors that won't open because of some unseen force. Not sure what I need to open it with.

Sunken Spire

Yeah, it's pretty enjoyable all things considered. Still haven't gotten too far, though.

Sunken Spire

Hey, I'm on an ice level where you can fall into pits, but there's that one item that's hanging off near one of the edges that seems impossible to access by normal means, as you'll just slide past it on the ice.

Any suggestions how to get it?