My name is not Maia, but instead it is something that I was dubbed on Don Migel's old forum for the first game that I showed off to the public. My generic name was changed into Maia, and since then I have been Maia. I am a girl, I am old compared to some other people, in fact for the majority of RPG Makers, I am twice their age.

I was born in Russia, and moved to America when I was a teenager, but not as an exchange student. Back in Russia, I am a published author and I have written two dozen books. One dozen of which have been published.



Suteki 03.jpg

Rad is an English word that means good and fun or enjoyable! :-) It is a compliment (a happy word).


I have seen this somewhere before... GBA?


This looks like a great shot :-) Love the colors.

RPG_RT 2008-08-06 09-55-12-60.JPG

I don't recall snes-zelda having that many flowers :-)


Maybe if Pikachu's art style matched Mario and Luigi the game would look better?


Empty shot, very empty. Put something in it :-)
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