I have always been into video games since I was young and love to work on big game projects, I tend to draw inspiration from a couple of my favorite games such as Legend of Zelda and Tales of Symphonia.

I'm a big believer on getting feedback and love to try to make more than one way to solve things in my games.
Dark beings arise from a demonic void, is magic to blame?




How do you guys feel about this?


Ya just noticed it didn't fit so gonna reformat that and maybe do a wee bit more editing as always thanks for the feedback.


This picture is not of the menu in game! It is for part 2 of monster hunt which is called Dynastia. The demo is here until it gets it's own game page then this picture will be deleted. sorry for the confusion.


Thanks for the feedback, This is my new image although I plan to draw one from scratch at some point but don't hesitate on the feedback. :)


Thanks for the feedback guys, It is a picture from the title screen although you guys are right I think I spent a total of a minute on it. It was supposed to be temporary but I haven't enjoyed what I have come up with so far but I will change it soon to something a little better.
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