


That cat faceset doesn't look quite like the others right now...okay, it's actually the same style, but it's not shaped to look like the other battle facesets.


Try to be more consistent with your spell names. For example...

If you name a second-tier version of Heal "Healara"...
then I expect the multi-target version of the spell to be named "(insert multi-target prefix here)healara".
Right now, though, the (assumed) multi-target versions of Heal and Healara are called "Heal All Lv. 1" and "Heal All Lv. 2", respectively.

Then there's another consistency problem...and it just HAD to go with an effort problem, too!

"Haste" and "Intelligence Up"? You really couldn't find a name for an Intelligence-boosting spell (like Focus, WIsdom, or Faith)?

And there's yet another problem, but not so much consistency as effort...

"Remove: Toxic"? Granted, it tells you what the spell should do, but that's the description box's job! Why couldn't you name the spell something more along the lines of "Poisona" or "Antidote"?

Okay, Ephiam, I'll be honest with you. You need to learn the importance of consistency within the names of your spells! Seriously, how hard can naming your spells be!?


Windows systemset + sideview in a frontview battle = very bad battlescreen...

...unless Jogan has sideview battle anims, then the sideview is excused.

Hero's Realm

Do you plan on remaking this game in another maker (like RMVX, for example)?


Rm2k3 backdrop + RM GBA monsters + custom(?) charsets = massive clash

That's all I have to say.

Phantasia 5

The world of Gaia and a planet unknown to them called Earth once merged to become the planet called Terra. Which bore what the Gaians' called the Amalgation Period. Things became chaotic and the world and its inhabitants would soon cease to exist, but thanks to the efforts of a select group of people, the worlds successfully split back into Earth and Gaia, but at a great price was to be held. The fate of Earth remained unknown to the Gaians...

Does this sound familiar?


What an oversized sword!


I find the characters' strengths and weaknesses odd.

1. How is the main character resistant to both Light and Shadow!? This makes no sense at all; they're supposed to be opposites!
2. Why is Thunder hurt by Wind? In terms of elements, they're basically the same thing!
3. Earth's natural opposite is Wind, not Thunder. Granted, Wind and Thunder are basically the same thing, but still...


Must be hard pushing and pulling a coffin around, huh?