

Your Star V.3

Ok now the answers are accessible in the english website.
Thanks for telling me!!

Your Star V.3

Oops! I don't know what happenned...

I'll correct it as soon as I can, but in the mean time you can access the riddle solutions here :
(it's in french, but you should be able to guess I think... Just be carreful for the riddle of the watches (Pierre and Mathiew...), the french solution is "18h", but the english answer is "6"pm...)

Your Star V.3

2013,august: New version now available, with improved and corrected English thanks to Redd. :)

Your Star V.3

Wow! thanks a lot for this video!!!
I'm glad you did it!

Your Star V.3

Why? Still a problem? :-/

Your Star V.3

Ok I found some mistakes in the riddle, it should be ok now.
Let me know if there is still a problem.
Thanks ! :p

Your Star V.3

Ok, there must be a problem then. I will check today, sorry for the delay :-/

Your Star V.3

I can't seem to solve the first puzzle. If I'm trying to give the dude 10mg with a 7 mg syringe and a 4 mg syringe, shouldn't I fill 7, dump it into 4, give the boy the 3 in the 7 syringe and then refill the 7 syringe and shoot him up again?

Hum yeah, it should be the solution.
fill the 7mg
fill the 4mg with the 7mg
-> gives the 3mg left to the boy
fill the 7mg again
-> gives the 7mg to the boy
Isn't it working? (there may be a bug I need to check ^^)

Your Star V.3

Corrected again!
Many thanks :)

Your Star V.3

Ok I will look at that closely and try to understand what's the problem. Sorry for the delay! And thanks a lot for your help!
You can continue the game and take this object later.

EDIT : ah stupidness! Actually the game is working, but I upload the new version only on my website, and not here ^^ Now it's update here too!!
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