

The Journey: Dead Person Party

Meme game. Heavily based off corpse party, but is composed of offensive jokes and other juvenile humor. Play at your own risk.

Thank you!

The Journey

Just wondering if you have the RAW file for it still, I am make a small comedy bit for a school project and would like to adapt some of your work

Sent a PM. It's a bit of a late reply, but I do not have it anymore unfortunately. Sorry!

The Journey Review

Thank you for reviewing the game Ekhazar and I made I really liked your review.

The Journey 2 - How disappointing is the ending? [Additions in the Works]

You didn't go for the blue, green and red endings did you?


The Journey 2 is finally out...!

Compressed blog! :D

Never before has the world seen such efficiency and finesse!


Uh... is that Leeron?

Leeron Hubbard, the progenitor of Scientology.

The Journey: Dead Person Party

man i am stuck at the begining i have bucker, teddy bear tried to go everywhere used bear as cover for holes but idk where to? is there a way out?

You need to pick up a glass of wine and a helmet from the first room. In the room full of spikes, open the chest, get a key, and survive walking over the spikes back by using the wine to heal your party. From there you can lower the gate preventing you from going through the North exit of the spikey room. Get C4 from that room, blow up the pillar blocking the way to the West exit, and go East and East again into the bathroom. Use the helmet on the crate in the bathroom.

The other chapters shouldn't be as difficult puzzle-wise.

The Journey: Dead Person Party

You can submit that trailer as media!

Not until the submission is accepted, though.

And now I shall, since I now can :3

The Journey

This has to be one of the best games I've played in a long time. The Old Man was such a bro...

In other news, I'm loving your avatar.

The Journey

Megaupload has been closed down by the Feds. You need to load it to another site.
Ah yes, I remember that! Good times, good times!

I removed the blog post with the alternate download link because the default download seems to be working fine (unlike awhile back). If anyone reports that they can't access the file through the default download button then I'll put up another alternate link.

EDIT: Also removed the alternate download link that was on the main page :X
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