Since I'm using the face portraits from the movie, he has brown messy hair. He's going to be a transfer student (as in the movie version) so he's not in Shiriowa class. You can see him in one of the other screenshots, in the bottom right corner.
The windowskin is temporary. It won't be the one in the finished game. And yes, it will use some of the RTP (among other sets) since I have neither the time, skill nor inclination to completely redo all the graphics. If you dislike it that much I guess this game's not for you.
...what? If you're subtly accusing me of stealing a scene I've never played Suikoden. The concept of having a hot springs as a location is not exactly that amazing considering the game is set in a Japanese town.
Hi LockeZ
The first two are not major points, but for future games I'll bear them in mind. Could you tell me how to add shadows and expand the box? I assume it's just changing a couple of lines in the relevant scripts.
For the backgrounds, yes they are stretched. Unfortunately because of the strange size of the battlebacks I had to do this to fit them in. I tried to only use ones that didn't distort too much though.
The first two are not major points, but for future games I'll bear them in mind. Could you tell me how to add shadows and expand the box? I assume it's just changing a couple of lines in the relevant scripts.
For the backgrounds, yes they are stretched. Unfortunately because of the strange size of the battlebacks I had to do this to fit them in. I tried to only use ones that didn't distort too much though.