

Imaginary Friends

So, just to be clear... The board in the math has nothing to do with any puzzle, right?

White Sky

Can you please tell me the locations of all the color cards? I really want to get the best ending but I can't find them ;o;

That ending isn't available yet since it wasn't working.

Imaginary Friends

Thank you Dragnfly!

Imaginary Friends

I can't figure out how to save... :(

Triple Triad Minigame - I am at a loss (Help?)

I think special pokeballs would be cool. Maybe full restore and other top line products like max repel could be won, too.

Black Winter Review

How did they figure out that he made another account?

Update[ iguess?]

Yay! Looking forward to it! ^_^

White Sky

White Sky

Here's the link to the video with the glitches: https://youtu.be/b56FVko3wys
One starts just before 5 minutes and the other starts around 17 minutes.

White Sky

It's fine, I just thought I should let you know.
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