

Change my control key

To make a nice key settings in game.. :D
Btw man can you help me with variables?? What is the use of that??

Change my control key

Well Not yet.. Cuz my problem now is how to change the keys..

Change my control key

And m8 Its so easy to make ABS with that plugin... Promise

Change my control key

Kind a hard.. For now im finding a way how to move my Action key (z) to (D)..
BTW im using the DynRPG + Keyboard and mouse plugin

Change my control key

Thx for the help m8s.. ive done it!!

Change my control key

Do i need to DL that sir?

Change my control key

RPG MAKER 2003 sir.. Can you help me??

Change my control key

Guys need help!! For RPG MAKER 2003

How can i change may control keys??
Action key (space bar) to Action key (D)

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