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Akemi Homura plays The Seventh Door

np great games should be exposed :D

Playthrough with Commentary

invalid videos

Playthrough with Commentary II

links invalid remove?

Wambu Combo: Ill Will Playthrough/Critique

links are invalid remove?

Let's Play: Akage (Insane Difficulty)

Akemi Homura plays Born under the rain

well to be fair on the cheating i play more for the story and characters then the battles.
and i always play a game once b4 recording so if its a 5 hour game to complete that would be 10h
time consuming o.o
indeed my channel has a small sub base but if lucky a few more people who see it will check the game out :D

Akemi homura plays Broken Gauntlet

Northhurst Woods Runthrough

no video here

The book of true will Final lp Akemi Homura

oh generally i remove songs from my videos.
to avoid copy right issues and this got 8+ of them

np glad you enjoyed it :D

Let's Play The Dark Knight Rises - The Game

just skimmed thru pretty bad game
the music does not fit at all
ruins the atmosphere the series is supposed to have
really needs ALOT of work imo
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