Need Help with Desgin and writing story for my game
I am using rtp maker vx ace I also using windows 8 that helps a lot thanks. I'm only a beginner at this but I do find playing around in vx ace. It does get easy along the way I just wished they had more tile sets, not enough for me to do what I want still can't find a way to get guy to wear female clothes to sneak into female area.
Need Help with Desgin and writing story for my game
Thanks for the Help In the events still having a few problems I would like to know is there a scripts that make a person travel back in time I trying to arrange it so in the event the guy get caught dressed as a girl then sent to a time where his ancestors live I wondering if I should make a guy be prince or when he sent back to time that he ends up being the princess I roughly got some of the game design sorted the only problem I'm having is trying to get the guy to wear female clothes any help will be much appreciated thanks you
Need Help with Desgin and writing story for my game
Hi I'm making a game at the moment where the hero starts of as male and trying to toss of how I can make the hero get caught and get cursed to be a girl and in fight get sent back through time. I done some work on game thinking of calling game Crystal time there are other member in the party but that doesn't happen into hero becomes heroine I have to different class ones and Enchantress is only restricted to female the other one is elemental paladin The elemental paladin has a powerful sword that can cast magic and normal attack and the Enchantress has a power Wand I would like help with story and any more suggestion I'm hope to make it a decent game that playable for a while I'm also think of adding a sequel but will see how first game go