FUN FACT - Turns out there's actually a place called "Dunlap" that my zip code covers. (Dunlap a variation of "Dunlop" which is in the title of one of my games)


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Guardian of the Description Thread
Weird, but strange, factoids!
Dunlop is a brand of tyre~
I guess I'll spill the beans heh. One of the optional themes of the contest was hockey. The first thing that came to my mind was a film called "Slap Shot" starring Paul Newman (who I'm a big fan of.) In it he plays the character Reggie Dunlop. In the end "Dunlop Cavern" sounded a lot easier on the ears than "Reggie Cavern," so I stuck with it. Also, "Slap Shot" became one of Hock's moves. So yeah, thanks Paul Newman!

Later on, I did some research on the name out of curiosity and it lead me to this site. Apparently they were a clan of Scottish badasses who lived on a hill that nobody could mess with. (Just scroll down and read the site text and tell me it doesn't sound like a movie trailer.)

But yeah...
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