


Just like to say I really like the setting too... If a lot of the game is done at sea I would be happy (ship battle minigame FTW).


I know from personal experience that Ultima is hot stuff. Be sure to check out this game when it's out folks! He most likely won't hype anything himself so I'll take his place for that :).

Also the sprites came out nice Ultima, it's much better/more refreshing then a lot of other RM games. I really like the message system and the maps look great as usual.

I'll keep my eye out on this (and so should you guys!).

My Screenshot is Bigger Than Yours!

Question for FF: Empires

That game had the best opening I've seen in an rpg maker game.

"The sky is ripped!"

You should have continued it Blitzen.

Screenshot Shogunate

That's pretty damn hot. What's your game about? Also try adjusting the eyes a bit of the charsets. I think they're a little bright. I like that morpheus looking guy.

Screenshot Shogunate

I was just trying to help. I always thought that chipset, as well as the others in the complete set, we're always quite grainy. With even 10-20 minutes you can make the entire map completely smooth like VX or something. I'm not saying that's better, I wsa just showing the other side of things.

I actually got quite annoyed when myserguy put that resized picture up which wasn't even accurate.


Let's put this in the past guys.

Screenshot Shogunate

I know Feld, I acknowledge that it is blurry and what not. I also stated that isn't even the proper way to do it, it's just faster. Also to Myserguy you didn't even resize it properly. I'm not trying to make an argument out of this as I know that it was a shabby job to begin with (since I worked at the 320x240 size).

It still isn't great but here's how it really looks, I did no editing I just saved the background as a panorama and used it in rpg maker.

Screenshot Shogunate

It's *she by the way.

I've taken grainy tilesets and made them "non grainy" or similiar to what I've done here without leaving all the blur signatures. I was actually working at that size and didn't bother resizing. It's completely possible and that Blur filter isn't primarily the way to do it.

Immortal what are you talking about? It's just a simple VX charset edit and I'm pretty sure it's included in the rtp.


Oh I see now Immortal, yeah.

Screenshot Shogunate

I like that map Euphorian but I thought it was awfully grainy. I was fooling around with it in an editor and some how I got this.

I call it a VX/RM2k3 cross over then drive down the lane to finish off with a sweet lay up winning the game edit.


Project Eve

Demicrusaius, what I meant is that I'm not as confident with my eventing/coding skills. I'm also letting you know that it takes me much longer to implement gameplay systems. Will this game lack gameplay? Not at all. I know my limits and I know what I can and can't do. Some of the things I want to do is 50/50, I really don't know if I can or cannot do it.

So I'm just letting you know that I'm not as confident when it comes to gameplay mechanics. I have a lot of fresh ideas though, some not seen yet and I think if I can pull them off it'll be pretty cool.
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