kentona launches his own podcast where he talks about himself

  • kentona
  • 03/20/2010 03:37 PM
kentona launches his own podcast where he talks about himself, Release Something! X, himself, his babby, and maybe the state of the site.




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Your babby pwned the SRadio.

Nice job on this. I would love to see more!
Yeah, and maybe next time I'll have some real content!

...I am such a kidder!
Since I'm a whore to TVTropes, I think that idea is fantastic. I really enjoy a lot of different Medias, and there's just some things I enjoy reading, or watching. I cruise through the individual tropes looking for examples of things I like, save them for later, and hunt them down so I can see them for myself.

Not sure if other people do that, but I think it's a great way in the very least for people to see what kinds of tropes they've incorporated into a particular game, to see if they would be interested in playing it.

Also, good job, kentona
"I wish people would PM me and say I'm a guy/I'm a girl because I'm often confused"

Good luck with me then~


Dammit, dammit! I had a tech demo of that FPS/RPG game I was doing where you could move around with WASD and mouse and jump around this test map with blocks I could have released.
Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence
If you didn't constantly think that everything is always about you your chances of being including into these projects/etc. would probably increase.

Just saying.

Is this actually a factor in the selection for these things?
Circumstance penalty for being the bard.
I want to say this site is a meritocracy, but it really isn't. Certain people will always get more attention than others due to popularity, often over the actual quality of their work. I don't agree with this and have been trying to work against it, such as by suggesting featured games I think are good instead of just featuring a high profile developer's latest release. The site still overwhelming favors the work of a few over all others, but I'm sure that can be changed with time.

However Legion, I'd say you're one of the people benefiting from this. Not everyone is out to get you as you seem to think. A lot of people enjoy your work. In fact I am pretty sure one of your games was featured before so I'm not sure why you seem to think your games are always passed over for things?

Here's you damn, delicious cookie...

Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence
However Legion, I'd say you're one of the people benefiting from this. Not everyone is out to get you as you seem to think. A lot of people enjoy your work. In fact I am pretty sure one of your games was featured before so I'm not sure why you seem to think your games are always passed over for things?

Classic persecution complex.

Actually, it has more to do with the proportional thinking (if one of my fifteen games was featured, and another guy's only game was featured, does that mean that guy is 100% awesome while I am only 6% awesome?) than anything else. But I suspect that you guys are probably trying to feature developers that have never been featured before before you feature anyone two or more times. Edit: I take back my reasonable and moderate assumption. Kentona, Ephiam, Craze, Karsuman and Hima have all been featured at least twice.

More to the point, you gots to understand everything's relative. From my perspective, I am not one of those popular and beloved few but one of the ignored and downtrodden many. From the perspective of a guy whose most popular game has less than one hundred downloads, on the otherhand, I'm one of those jerks. It's all perspective. (Also, it's partially my fault--I release way too many games and have to deal with that tense period of time when no one seems to be paying attention to them and they are moldering unloved.)

Oh and please, me Max? I'll take the Legion thing from the people who were actually AROUND when I was Legion. : P

Edit: That cookie looks scrumptious.
Devil's in the details
I'm too lazy to write anything constructive, but just wanted to post "Hey I'm enjoying these! Keep it up", comment.
Just to reply to one of the questions asked during the broadcast, yes I do think there is a market for playing top-down SNES style rpgs. I mean, I've actually played more games from this site than I've invested hours into FF XIII or any of the more recent RPGs for console systems. I know I'm not alone on this because I've had this discussion with a few of my friends and we more or less agree with the sentiment that it doesn't take next-gen graphics to make a good game. I think you'll find alot of people are willing to overlook the lack of 3d graphics or highly detailed sprites in favor of a good story and an engaging game. Btw, liked the broadcast!
Can't you point me in the direction of these people so that I can encourage them to join the site?
I'd point at myself but that would be slightly redundant lol. Instead I shall speak with those who I've had these conversations with and point them in this direction.
The baby is a show stealer! D-:
I came from RRR, and I play the games, but I think I like the format from here better than I do over at RRR... idk... Nothing over on RRR interests me to download and play, but over here, since the format is different, many games here caught my eye instantly.
I hate RPG Maker because of what it has done to me
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