
The 2011 RMN Summer Games is a game-making contest, the goal of which is to make a game within one month. A theme will be announced at the start of the contest to ensure equal footing and development time for all participants, but otherwise just have fun making games!

-The contest will begin on August 1st 12:00 AM GMT and run until August 31st 11:59 PM GMT. Entries must be completed during this time frame.
-You may work with a team of any size to make a game.
-Your game may be made in any engine and may be any genre, not just an RPG.

-You ought to have permission to use all art, music, or other content. Rips will be frowned upon. How the content was created does not matter so long as you have the rights to use it.
-The game should run on Windows XP or higher. The judges should not require any additional components to play your entry.
-Show good sportsmanlike conduct towards your competitors.
-Most important rule: Have fun!

-All games will be required to loosely incorporate the theme (TBA. The theme could be anything from a setting to an abstract concept.)
-Entries started before the allotted time will be frowned upon. Entries submitted after the deadline will not be accepted. Extensions will be granted only in extraordinary circumstances. PLAN AHEAD.
-All entries will require a gameprofile.
-You must submit your entry to the event page (using the submission tools below).

Surrealism: movement that attempts to express the workings of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter.

First place I'm Scared of Girls

Second place Zephyr Skies: The Winter Sage

Third place Novella

Runner up Aetherion


You must be logged in to sign up for 2011 RMN Summer Games.

Teams Members Entry
Team Flame
Bludgeon of Inspiration
8bit Metal
Losers: Genesis
Gold Team
Team "Oh Crap Am I Really Doing This Alone?!"
Escape Artists Never Gam (?)
Imperishable Wombat Studios presents: Team Wombat Productions
Team Julie: Take Two
Team Sask
Team Hexasexa
Randomized Productions
Team Deadman
Team Raven
Ratty's Homebrew
No Mr Bond I Expect You To Dy
Just for fun!
Tales of Menace
Retraux Gamezz
Did You Know That Go-Gurt Is Just Yogurt?
Unoriginal Team Name
Hip hip h:Orray!
Clockwork Wedding
fuck da police
Lupine Vidya
Team Lucid
i hate my life
Bit Bonton
I wish Kentona would make a game for this competition...
Will I actually make a game and submit it in time for once?
Ragnarok Studios
Brethren of the Dragon Flame
Alice & the hole
Hallowed Sanctum Studios


Yeah, on page 26.

author=Max McGee
I was able to download 11/12 entries.

TRANSITION apparently has a broken link.


Major Arcana Only, No Duplicates, First Come First Served.
did this tarot thing right after
just in case
'the tower' belongs to 'i'm scared of girls'
Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence
The tarot card thing was just to determine the order in which I would play the games (randomly, by drawing cards from a Tarot deck).

It had no other effect on anything, except by accident--the choice of "Death" for Sisters Storybook really heightened the surrealism and made me consider the game on an entirely deeper level, perhaps erroneously so.

Anyway, because Eomnium and Beyond the Gate never came out of the "deck" because they didn't have cards to represent them, they're getting played last. (Which again, should have no particular bearing on anything.)
amusing tassadar, your taste in companionship grows ever more inexplicable
Well, there are some hidden meanings on Sister's Storybook, but they are completely incidental and have no effect on a regular playthrough.
author=Max McGee
The tarot card thing was just to determine the order in which I would play the games (randomly, by drawing cards from a Tarot deck).

I had figured it was something like this.
Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence
I have now played all games and am caught up. Deliberations between judges have officially beguned.
When is the next game competition going to be? And next time I'll listen to feedback when it comes!
When is the next game competition going to be? And next time I'll listen to feedback when it comes!
I am not sure when the next competition is going to be, but the next event will start in roughly 2 weeks.

also, I gave out the achievements. If I missed you for an achievement, let me know! Participants are ones who were part f a team who released a game.
Guardian of the Description Thread
Maybe it's just an impression, but I'm thinking all the judges found Weird Dreams to be difficult? Actually, I'm getting the bad impression that everyone who played the game found it difficult, as I've no feedback that suggests otherwise.

On a more positive note, congratulations to everyone who participated! I give a warm-hearted cheer to the winners!
Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence
Yes, it was much, much too difficult Marrend. (Fortunately, this is a relatively easy and fun problem to fix.)
I think it was pretty difficult, but difficulty is not among the game's major problems.