
Welcome to the fifth installment of the beloved community puzzle game: Befuddle Quest 5: Zack to the Future Using a specific product, RPG Maker 2003, we will each make a single map puzzle using RTP OR your own supplied graphics (that mesh with RTP) and I will link them together in a quest. Why RM2k3? Because it's accessible to the majority of people and because it's pretty easy to link maps together using it. Plus, I'm running the show and that's what I use (because I'm old). Also, that's what we used last 4 times and it worked out okay.

For those of you new to the BQ scene, check out this game: Befuddle Quest, or this game: Befuddle Quest 2: Charmed & Dangerous! or this game: Befuddle Quest 3: Love is a Four-Legged Word

Starts: August 3rd, 2010
Submission Deadline: August 23rd, 2010 @ Midnight
Release Date: Early September, 2010

STORY ::..
Imagine this: So, Zack and Broomhilda are visiting the local fair, right? And there is a demonstration of a new teleportation device, okay? Zack tries it out at the insistence of Broomhilda, and it works great! So Broomhilda tries...and something goes awry and Broomhilda is zapped away! Now Zack must travel after Broomhilda THROUGH TIME to save her!

Original, no?

RULES ::..
You must use RM2k3
You can submit as many puzzles as you like
Each submission must use only 1 map
No battles or common events or items or pretty much most of the Database
No instant Game Overs (restart the puzzle instead)
No Teleport events - use Recall to Memorized Position
If you aren't using the standard RTP, INCLUDE YOUR RESOURCES
The hero is Zack, the first default hero in RM2k3
No Teleport events - use Recall to Memorized Position

Before the deadline, zip or rar up your project, upload it somewhere (say, your locker!) and send me a link to the file (either in a PM or here in this event). Make as many puzzles as you like. Multiple submissions are allowed (and encouraged!).

Please include with your submission:
The RM2k3 project
The coordinates of the ENTRANCE and EXIT points on the map
Puzzle name
A brief description of the puzzle
A detailed walkthrough (in a PM, or a text file in the submission folder)
Puzzle difficulty
Any special notes or issues you think I need to know to link the map into the game

I'm not opposed to using extra music, sounds, pictures, chipsets or charsets, as long as it fits with RTP (and they're included with the submission). If you have special tileset rules, let me know.

NOTES ::..
As before, this game will be about the puzzles, but feel free to take the story in bold new directions! I can make almost anything work within the confines of the story.

Also, feel free to use any variables or switches you like - I will reset them to 0/OFF between each puzzle.


  • 08/03/2010 12:00 AM
  • 08/25/2010 12:00 AM


You must be logged in to sign up for Befuddle Quest 5: Zack to the Future.


The latest BQ game is a go! Sign up now!!
I knew I started lurking at RMN again for a reason!

Incidentally, Kentona: You don't mention BQ4 in the 'check out previous games if you are new to the BQ scene' area.
Yeah, I know. I missed that when I sent this to WIP. That's what I get for copy & pasting!
Grrr It's always 2k3...
Feel free to start your own community puzzle game in the engine of your choice!

Seriously! Why not? If there is a high demand for community games, try to fill that need. I don't always have to be the one to host things like this. For example, GreatRedSpirit ran the Super RMN Bros. game.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
I signed up, sir.
I'm not comfortable with any idea that can't be expressed in the form of men's jewelry
HAHA. +5 points, kentona.
I'm kinda new to rmn, so this might sound stupid, but how do you start a community event?
RMN sex symbol
Since there is time travelling, would the future RTP be acceptable? Not siging up for this(I might)just wondering really.
This is unofficial and just off the top of my head, but you would:

1) Come up with an idea you would think would make a good community event
2) Take some time to refine the idea, coming up with structure, rules, guidelines and timeline
3) Propose the idea to staff (such as myself)
4) The staff will discuss the event in the Super Secret Ninja Staff forum
5a) If the idea has merit, we will work with you to make an official event
5b) If the idea is workable, we might suggest you make a forum thread for it
5c) If the idea is unworkable, we will suggest that you don't bother with it
6) Get prepared to do some work running the event
7) Make a killer event logo*

*most important.

Since there is time travelling, would the future RTP be acceptable? Not siging up for this(I might)just wondering really.
Yep, the use of other chipsets is fine (as long as they reasonably match up with the RTP charsets - or not. Actually use whatever you like!) Just be sure to include any non-RTP resources with your submission.
@Pokemaniac or Desmo- If either of you are wanting to start a community event for XP, I would be willing to help you guys :) Or participate, I think a community rmxp game would be good (for people like me who don't buy the other programs and really want to do a community event!)
is it too late for ironhide facepalm
Guardian of the Description Thread
@Pokemaniac or Desmo- If either of you are wanting to start a community event for XP, I would be willing to help you guys :) Or participate, I think a community rmxp game would be good (for people like me who don't buy the other programs and really want to do a community event!)

You have piqued my interest, Evergaurd. I might just try a community project that runs in XP or VX.
Unfortunately I won't have time to participate, but if anyone wants 2k3 chapset edits, I have some here. The tiles should be self explanatory, but if anyone has a question just PM me.
RMN's Official Reviewmonger
I'll take a stab at it! Why the heck not!
I can't download rpg maker 2003... Do I have to have a certain version of Windows?

I keep getting this: ¡Ã'õÃ"´µÃ'é§à¡Á ãËé´Ã'ºàºÃ"éŤÅÃ"¡·Õèä¿Åì
who am i and how did i get in here
Ill have a go... might not finish it tho... but its worth a shot!

Shotgun variable 201 and 202!
I'll probably participate, but I'm completely out of ideas.
who am i and how did i get in here
WTF whenever i try to play a rm2k3 game i make i get an error (system 4 can not be found)

I can play games other people made tho...