
Release Something! Day is back. For those of you who are unaware as to what RS!D is, it is an event wherein we release something on a predetermined date. That "something" can be a work-in-progress demo, an OST, a video, or whatever. And then right after that release, everyone plays everyone else's stuff.

This is the first time one of these will be run as an event. There are some limitations though - only game downloads can be submitted to the "official" event submission. But that's okay! I will manually compile all of the other types of submissions and update the event page.

Some rules:
1. If you are posting a game demo, make a Gameprofile and simply submit the download
2. If you are posting other media (like screens or music) submit it to the site and then post a link to it in the comments
3. If you are posting a review submit it to the site and post the title of the review, the title of the game and a link to the review

I've coincided the Release Day (December 1st) with the end of the National Game Development Month. This was on purpose. Work on your games for the NaGaDeMo, and then showcase them here on Release Something! Day 11!

Like always, the aim is to truly try to capture the spirit of releasing something. It is not about prepping a major release, or making something in a fury to have something new to show for the event. It is about showing your works-in-progress, getting feedback, and checking out what other people are working on. Like a snapshot of RMN's development community.

Sign up below!


  • 12/01/2011 12:00 AM
  • 12/02/2011 01:00 PM
  • Any


You must be logged in to sign up for Release Something 11.

Teams Members Entry
The Next Generation
Final Finals
Bludgeon of Inspiration
Charged with Assault And Battery
Updated Demo Version of Seraphic Blue Translation
The Encephalon II
Team TCS
Dream Machine
A Penguin's Adventure (DEMO Only)
oh my god
Lone Wolf Productions
Revolution '11
Teh Studios
Colorless Quest. Now with 1% more colors!
Project BC
DQ goes Platformer (WIP)
House on Fire
Naughty vampire chicks and hot lingerie
The Mongolian Utopia: Knights of the Eastarn Calcus
Sucker Punch
Team FSNS Presents: Atom Pulsar and the Rusty Libido (Game Page)
Why not I guess..
Slipstream ranger
NaGaDeMo PeRe Demo
Shadow Sadness
Fortune Cookie
Jackalotrun N Tomstar
Peggy Sue For President
Team retro
JailBreakOut vs. FireWoman vs. Hunger Games vs. LoZ:Link in Time vs. New game!
Eager Kraken
yuna21's Team
I've chosen the AVCHD preset because it's pretty standard.
Deep Trouble


author=Max McGee
Kenton you goddamn kanadian bastard. Please add me to the participants list once your goddamn kanadia submission queue approves my goddamn demo. Goddamnit.

(Seriously, I would have had my game up nine hours ago if not for the stupid clue. I don't want to be excluded from the event.)
What stupid clue?

Anywho, you have 1 hour to do it yourself.
Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence



Thanks for the prompt response.

*Initiates Submission Phase 2*
Can I end the event again then?
Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence


*stupid queue.

Wow did I confuse MYSELF with that typo. I was staring at the screen going "WHY DOES HE NEED A CLUE? ISN'T IT OBVIOUS WHICH GAME IS MINE? I had no idea that I typed "clue" instead of "queue". I think I'm the only person I know that typos in homophones. Something seriously wrong with my brain.
Omg, now release something 11 ends here right now!
I was exceedingly confused.
Uhm, because I am a complete imbecile, and inexperienced with this site, I have kind of deleted my game upload as is wasn't functioning properly... A working one has been added to the project page thingy which can be found here:
Sorry I had forgotten about this also I did not know I needed an external site to upload so I DERPED. Sorry I will still upload my demo thingy though.
You don't need to upload to an external site.
...yeah...I will at least make a demo soon.
if squallbutts was a misao category i'd win every damn year
author=Max McGee


*stupid queue.

Wow did I confuse MYSELF with that typo. I was staring at the screen going "WHY DOES HE NEED A CLUE? ISN'T IT OBVIOUS WHICH GAME IS MINE? I had no idea that I typed "clue" instead of "queue". I think I'm the only person I know that typos in homophones. Something seriously wrong with my brain.

You are not, I do this too.
I'm missing stuff I really wanted before submitting a game profile, but I'm in the spirit of Release Something now so I said "screw it" and went ahead.
No demo or anything. Just something for people to check out when they're saying to themselves "Who is this asshat and why is he mouthing off? I'm going to see what games he's made..." I do it all the time.
Are you guys playing the games and whatnot released for this event? That is half the event!
I think most of the comments are going on the actual game pages though... That's probably for the best.
that IS for the best! I hope that that's what's happening!
And the ability to summon the "Office Whores" to deal damage to the enemies.
Release something 2011 is over?!
Oh im too late that means.
Release Something 11, not 2011.

This is the eleventh one we've held at RMN.