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Welp! Help!
I've been mucking around with the internal scripts, scripts by other people, i just can't get a satisfying reslut!

So here's the thing! I'm currently making a game with RPGVXA that has no need for the "formation", "status" "skills", and even "save" options in the pause menu! And in the items menu i have no need for "key items" "weapons" .... Is there any way i can just get rid of these buttons from the menu? And not just blacking them out, make it so they're not there!! ^^

Anyone know how to do this?

Edit: One last thing! ^^

Is there a way of making it so that the HP and MP bars don't show in the menu? ^^
Something like this should do it.

# ** Window_MenuCommand
#  This command window appears on the menu screen.

class Window_MenuCommand < Window_Command
  # * Add Main Commands to List
  def add_main_commands
    add_command(Vocab::item,   :item,   main_commands_enabled)
    add_command(Vocab::equip,  :equip,  main_commands_enabled)
  # * Add Save to Command List
  def add_save_command ; end

# ** Window_ItemCategory
#  This window is for selecting a category of normal items and equipment
# on the item screen or shop screen.

class Window_ItemCategory < Window_HorzCommand
  # * Create Command List
  def make_command_list
    add_command(Vocab::item,     :item)
    add_command(Vocab::armor,    :armor)
The most beautiful user on RMN!

Do you even need a menu then?
You could just disable the menu for the entire game.
Hey thanks tds ill give it a try! Nah i still need the items menu! ^^
Working great! Thanks TDS ill credit ya!
One last thing! ^^

Is there a way of making it so that the HP and MP bars don't show in the menu? ^^
Here you go, this will change the hp and mp so that it is not drawn in menus. It will still be drawn in battle however, since that's what it sounds like you wanted.
# ** Window_Base
#  This is a super class of all windows within the game.

class Window_Base < Window

  # overwrite: draw_actor_hp
  def draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y, width = 124)
    unless SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_MenuBase)
      draw_gauge(x, y, width, actor.hp_rate, hp_gauge_color1, hp_gauge_color2)
    draw_text(x, y, 30, line_height, Vocab::hp_a)
    draw_current_and_max_values(x, y, width, actor.hp, actor.mhp,
      hp_color(actor), normal_color)
  # overwrite: draw_actor_mp
  def draw_actor_mp(actor, x, y, width = 124)
    unless SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_MenuBase)
      draw_gauge(x, y, width, actor.mp_rate, mp_gauge_color1, mp_gauge_color2)
    draw_text(x, y, 30, line_height, Vocab::mp_a)
    draw_current_and_max_values(x, y, width,, actor.mmp,
      mp_color(actor), normal_color)

Note: I'm not sure if you're using other scripts that alter the way that actor hp/mp is drawn, but if you do this might not work.
Thanks a lot! Ill try it out and tell you how it went! Its just what i wanted!
Great Makolnfused! It wasnt exactly what i want i wanted it to be completely gone not just the bars, but i managed to do it pretty much how i wanted by just deleting some script!

# overwrite: draw_actor_hp
def draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y, width = 124)
unless SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_MenuBase)
draw_gauge(x, y, width, actor.hp_rate, hp_gauge_color1, hp_gauge_color2)

# overwrite: draw_actor_mp
def draw_actor_mp(actor, x, y, width = 124)
unless SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_MenuBase)
draw_gauge(x, y, width, actor.mp_rate, mp_gauge_color1, mp_gauge_color2)


Thanks for eveyones help ill give shout outs in the credits!
OH yeah, the way you have it now will pretty much just drawn the gauge in battle. However, the numbers will never be drawn at all, is that what you want?
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