I ban pianotm for having the same dude who is on the sergeant Pepper album as a profile pic.
I ban MajoracanKing for... .... ....I don't think I can ban someone who thinks I've come up with the most awesome quote ever. I need loyal minions to boost my ego. Bah, I can still ban him for trying to take all of my hardly earned cash, though.
Get it 'cause you are hardly earning it. xD
I ban paino man for not getting that sergeant pepper joke (at least I think he didn't get it)
I ban paino man for not getting that sergeant pepper joke (at least I think he didn't get it)
I ban MajorcanKing for noticing Aleister Crowley on the cover of Sg. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band but not noticing Marilyn Monroe, the Monkees, Albert Einstein, Shirley Temple (on the cover twice, you can't see the second one in this lousy scan but she's right behind Ringo), W. C. Fields ("Of course I like childern; if they're properly cooked!"), Edgar Allen Poe, or Carl Jung. (There's just so many brilliant people on this cover...Lewis Carrol, H. G. Wells, Sri Yukteswar Giri and on and on...)
I ban pianotm for saving 15% or more on car insurance by switching to Geico. (Could've done it on esurance for half that amount of time!)
author=MajoracanKingYeah, I hardly earn my fat stacks of cash, and then I have to turn around and spend it all on you. It's like I inherited a kid from a long-lost relative. :P
Get it 'cause you are hardly earning it. xD
I ban Alpha for discovering me to be his long lost heritage.
I noticed most of those people, but they were irrelevant to your profile pic.
I ban MajorcanKing for noticing Aleister Crowley on the cover of Sg. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band but not noticing Marilyn Monroe, the Monkees, Albert Einstein, Shirley Temple (on the cover twice, you can't see the second one in this lousy scan but she's right behind Ringo), W. C. Fields ("Of course I like childern; if they're properly cooked!"), Edgar Allen Poe, or Carl Jung. (There's just so many brilliant people on this cover...Lewis Carrol, H. G. Wells, Sri Yukteswar Giri and on and on...)
I noticed most of those people, but they were irrelevant to your profile pic.
I ban MajoracanKing for not asking Alpha about his E-dad when they're both related.
I ban JJJ7 for not taking any of my shifts at work. Hah! You should have known that would come back to haunt you!
I ban alphaomega247 for not happily taking all the hours he can get, so he can earn me all the money possible.
I Ban Pianotm for having a musical instrument in his name! Doesn't he know I have Mild Tone-Deafness?
Why does everybody want to go on adventures with me? Seriously, an adventure with me would probably feature an exciting trek to the couch, followed by some quality time with your video game controller of choice. XD
Anyway, I ban pianotm for wearing that ugly suit in the video.
Anyway, I ban pianotm for wearing that ugly suit in the video.
(Not me in the video. That is Russian concert artist, Evgeny Kissin.)
I ban MajorcanKing for going on adventures with AlphaOmega247.
I ban MajorcanKing for going on adventures with AlphaOmega247.