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Hello there! Fisherson,my friends call me Fish, here wanting to say I love your lively little community! I just stopped in a few days ago to DL a program then I found out you had a HUGE library of RPG Maker 2003 games! o.O More than I've even seen at Charas Project, my home for eight years, and then I noticed something else. You guys have a nice layed back community that seems pretty fun! Possibly as much fun as Charas? Maybe. We'll see.

So yeah I'm going to "test drive" ya and see how you fit. If I like ya? Who knows I may have a new home away from home? Also may post some of my more interesting game ideas and demos here. Anywho! Hope to get to know you all soon!

The TM is for Totally Magical.
Welcome to our little slice of the net! Yes, we have over 20,000 games. Some of them are even playable.
Welcome to the pond, fish!
Welcome to our little slice of the net! Yes, we have over 20,000 games. Some of them are even playable.

XD Oh that made me laugh so hard! So far I have yet to comfirm this, but it seems your collection so far is flawless. Even you're "bad" games like Epic Elf make up for the poor dialogue with challenging and unique game play.

Welcome to the pond, fish!

Pond? Za? I thought this was a forum? Then again my usual haunts range between a YT-2400 a endless white room, a jungle filled with monsters and a flying island so if I did land in a pond giant pond masquerading as a forum I wouldn't even bat an eyelash.

Welcome, sir fish!

O.O Never been a "Sir". I mean even my loyal and devoted sla-Ah followers don't call me that. "Master" or "Overlord" sometimes and even on a rare ocassion "Hey Lover" but never Sir! ^-^ I rather like it!
RMN sex symbol
Do your friends really call you a fish? Also see how we fit uhh I think it's the other way around buddy, we'll decide if YOU can stay... But yeah, post lots of real men on our network.
Do your friends really call you a fish? Also see how we fit uhh I think it's the other way around buddy, we'll decide if YOU can stay... But yeah, post lots of real men on our network.

XD Well perhaps, but if I quit you before you ban me then it's technically me deciding. Not that you'll ban me since I have three weapons: Likibility, humor galore and most importantly if I like a community and consider myself part of it? I help in any way I can. excluding money and drug running. =P
Welcome to Fox River RMN, fish.
Welcome to the site! ^.^

Explore a bit and check out the 7 Mysteries of RMN! Can you find them all?
(Tip: The first one is a certain black bar...)
Welcome! Sir Fish will certainly enjoy the games here. Be wary of owls, though.
Nice to meet you!! im also new here!!!
Welcome to RMN! The last bastion of free will on the internet.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Welcome to RMN fish. One does not "test drive" RMN; you just roll.... and roll... and eventually start spin dashing.
Yo yo wut up?

Also see how we fit uhh I think it's the other way around buddy, we'll decide if YOU can stay...
Well, if you let ME stay, your standards are obviously pretty low. XD
Welcome to Fox River RMN, fish.
If that's a reference sadly it bounces of my thick skull. ^^; Cool 8 Bit Dark Knight "who has waaay too much of a bro crush on Boba Fet" though. XD

Welcome to the site! ^.^

Explore a bit and check out the 7 Mysteries of RMN! Can you find them all?
(Tip: The first one is a certain black bar...)
Oooh! I love mysteries! Well mostly when they're accompanied by comedy too, but exploring is always a favorite of mine! Sadly my tracking skills are limited and, according to my astromech pal Rusty, I crash so much I need to dedicate all my points to Astrogation.

Welcome! Sir Fish will certainly enjoy the games here. Be wary of owls, though.
XD Another person calling me "Sir"! I'm not a Knight in that sense. Techically I'm not even a Jedi Knight. More a Rogue Jedi Vigilante. < < Really do need to finish that bio so I can cross explain that between forums/sites. As for the warning about Owls I know well their feathery evil. I was a chicken farmer for many, many years. I watch for them like a hawk! ^_-

Welcome to RMN! The last bastion of free will on the internet.

O.O Aren't you like the Site Admin or really high up guy?? What are YOU doing welcominmg me? You're botching the whole "mightier than thou" bit of your job description ain't ya? XD I mean I talked to Alex, the Admin of Charas Project, like two or three times in all my eight years on the site! Now I'm not sure if I should fear and respect you...Or see you as a peer. @-@ MY WHOLE WORLD IS IN QUESTION!! *Dives out a window*

Welcome to RMN fish. One does not "test drive" RMN; you just roll.... and roll... and eventually start spin dashing.
XD Fair enough. I'll try but honestly I'm a bit more found of the Homing Attack myself...Though as a humanoid I find it highly dizzying, painful and tricky to even begin to pull off in the first place without becoming "pretzelfied " ^^;

Thank you all for a such a warm welcome! If it's like this around here all the time I'm sure I'll enjoy my stay. Now let me ask...Where be you're RP boards and infromation on you're setting for your forumverse or-*cringes* doust thou not haveth one? Oh please! Sayeth thou doust!
That's because Kentona is human, and a cool one at that! u_u
Welcome to RMN! though i have to say that something smells fishy

In case you don't know, we have an IRC channel as well. ;w; Join up someday if you want ^w^

Enjoy! We just had the Revive The Dead event, a good start for you would be to check the demos that came from it! :D
Don't feel too special. I try to welcome everyone. (How else am I to keep my post count up?)
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