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Goes inactive at least every 2 weeks
Any unique unpopular opinions you like to share? It's always interesting too that someone has a different view point then most people

Video Games
1. I got bored with Mario 64 really fast
2. I don't like the classic Sonic games
3. Twilight Princess is the best legend of zelda
4. I don't enjoy Call of duty's gameplay, but I respect it's existence
5. PC is better and stronger than a console, but consoles have better games

1. I can name a few fanbases worse than the sonic fanbase
2. I don't mind people creating
for anything

1. KylerNuva135 is my favorite youtuber
2. Irategamer haters are annoying, and I don't even enjoy Irategamer's vids
Got any Dexreth amulets?
There's been a thread like this recently already. I'm not sure if necroposting in there would have been better than making a new thread, though.
It was made this year, it's fine to post in. Hell, it's only two months old. That's relatively young. It's also in the Welp forums which automatically makes it okay to jump in on at any (reasonable) time.
Goes inactive at least every 2 weeks
Crap, didn't knew
Just so you are aware people don't "hate" on IrateGamer. The man is actually a thief and a fraud and it's not only been proven but he lost in court. I wouldn't call people who say it haters so much as civic beacons of hope for pointing out shoddy business practices.

That being said I beat mario 64 too quickly to bore of it really. I hate all sonic games equally to be honest. And Twilight Princess was indeed in my opinion the Zelda game second only to that awesome SNES one. How I do I conclude that? Because I still go back and play A Link to the Past. I've played and beaten Twilight Princess only once.

I also agree consoles have better games, because those games are made for consoles. Too many PC ports have come out until recently and more shitty ports STILL come out. That being said though Pillars of Eternity, The Witcher 3, and other games have curb stomped console gaming in recent years. Hopefully the trend continues because I don't really game on console anymore.

Now for some of my own opinions that aren't too popular and the reasons why afterwards.

1. FF7 is overhyped. It's good but not great. Slapping minigame, body temperature mini game, and millions of others mess with the pace and the worst part is that it largely relied on visuals which to me cheapened the experience.
2. I actually liked COD up to COD 3 I think. The story of that general was cool and why he felt he needed to go to war again and what he did to do so. I'll never forget Ghost being shot in the head and lit on fire. He looked the coolest. Plus Captain Price's stache.
3. League of Legends and DOTA don't really interest me too much. I find their systems clunky now that I've played Heroes of the Storm. Which also has far more balance. SMITE is better to me simply because the fact that you can literally sneak up on a person. 3D Hero Defense is cool.
4. I find Pewdiepie irritating as fuck. The sad part is having met Felix and many other YouTubers I've come to dislike a lot of them while liking others a lot as people. Their content and behavior on channel is NOT how about 85% of them are in real life. People will argue this with me because their wiki's say otherwise, which again is all gathered from public events and online. Felix is a cool as shit guy, pewdiepie is a screaming bastard that needs to be shot. Weird huh?
5. I dislike southrons. They are weak, slow, and stupid. They need more harsh north in their lives. Seriously though LA irritated me a lot when I went down there to fight.
6. My favorite YouTuber is TotalBiscuit.
7. Sex Ed should be mandatory. At this point we know how humans work and know when sexual experimentation happens. Hell kids as young as 2 have been brought into the emergency ward bleeding only for their parents to find out they are masturbating. Worst part? They ask why they would do that. Best part? "The same reason you do it!"
8. The people need to appoint an ass kicker. I'm sorry but why send a 15 year old to prison for theft when you can just beat their ass in public? Physical discipline really does work, and we have a shit ton of Drill Sargent's retired from military I hear. Sounds like the perfect job for them. Years of experience drilling discipline into ADULTS who are far harder to teach than children? Check.
9. The Battle Flag of the Confederacy should not be allowed to be flown. A battle flag is meant to identify military assets at a glance. It is treasonous and racist and should only be allowed to be flown under extenuating circumstances. Otherwise it really should be in a museum with a plaque underneath stating "Do it again and we'll drag your children outside and burn them alive.".
10. Last but not least my hatred for pride in the battle flag of the confederacy and everything it stands for and the opinions defending it which are the real white washers of history. Just because I have the freedom to do so you don't see me wearing red sheep skin leggings do you? Because that would be an asshole thing to do. Let's face it, the only people wanting to fly that traitor flag do it to be a rebel against the man, piss off black people, and generally other CHILDISH things. The worst part. Most of those flying that shit for those reasons...ARE GROWN ASS MEN. And you wonder why divorce is so high in this country. No one wants to be married to a fucking child with a small wiener you stupid southrons.
Got any Dexreth amulets?
a) We already have a thread like this. This has been said before.

b) I pity you, Tyranos. I really do. Your world view and especially your attitude towards violence are deeply disturbing, to say the least. You really should take the time to do some introspection and rethink what your real priorities in life are. Because right now, you will not only convince absolutely nobody with your way of thinking and arguing. The methods you want to employ to carry out your (sometimes even somewhat reasonable) ideals will cause nothing but harm and suffering if actually brought into practice.
I can't imagine it is actually your intention to be a threat to your fellow humans. So please try not to be so.
a) We already have a thread like this. This has been said before.

b) I pity you, Tyranos. I really do. Your world view and especially your attitude towards violence are deeply disturbing, to say the least. You really should take the time to do some introspection and rethink what your real priorities in life are. Because right now, you will not only convince absolutely nobody with your way of thinking and arguing. The methods you want to employ to carry out your (sometimes even somewhat reasonable) ideals will cause nothing but harm and suffering if actually brought into practice.
I can't imagine it is actually your intention to be a threat to your fellow humans. So please try not to be so.

And exactly what attitude would that be towards violence? That it's a crime and should actually be punished by law? Now state your damn opinion and stop trying to start an argument. EDIT: On that note guess who just made my next "Reply to Stupid" video happen?

For posterity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6jqfhY8-sk
For clarification: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7xXqlW-g4c (Since most of you are apparently illiterate)
You're magical to me.
The people need to appoint an ass kicker. I'm sorry but why send a 15 year old to prison for theft when you can just beat their ass in public? Physical discipline really does work, and we have a shit ton of Drill Sargent's retired from military I hear. Sounds like the perfect job for them. Years of experience drilling discipline into ADULTS who are far harder to teach than children? Check.

Violence is not a panacea for society's ills. In fact, using violence to "solve problems" just reinforces to both the victim and the onlookers that "might makes right" and is exactly the sort of barbarianism that society should be stepping away from. This technique may work in rehabilitating some, but for many others they will find themselves even more psychologically broken than before.

Also, we already have a problem with authority figures who overuse their ability to do violence to others. It will just increase if you use more violence as punishment.
who could forget dear ratboy
(Since most of you are apparently illiterate)


EDIT: Holy shit you actually make Youtube videos of you correcting people on RMN?

The people need to appoint an ass kicker. I'm sorry but why send a 15 year old to prison for theft when you can just beat their ass in public? Physical discipline really does work, and we have a shit ton of Drill Sargent's retired from military I hear. Sounds like the perfect job for them. Years of experience drilling discipline into ADULTS who are far harder to teach than children? Check.
Violence is not a panacea for society's ills. In fact, using violence to "solve problems" just reinforces to both the victim and the onlookers that "might makes right" and is exactly the sort of barbarianism that society should be stepping away from. This technique may work in rehabilitating some, but for many others they will find themselves even more psychologically broken than before.

Also, we already have a problem with authority figures who overuse their ability to do violence to others. It will just increase if you use more violence as punishment.

Hence making a JOB. The minute something is done for a living and money is charged for it it's open to higher amounts of scrutiny. Quite frankly I'd rather see troubled youth sent to drill instructors than prisons. That's just stupid. There was a case recently where a 15 year old girl was caught shoplifting food and she was charged with theft and given 6 years in prison. That isn't justice. It's mercy. It's too much mercy for the victim and not enough justice for BOTH sides. Also in countries that do have physical discipline there is far less violent crime. This is because physical discipline is not inherently violence. I see violence used incorrectly far too often and I blame America for that. Buzzwords are popular here.

EDIT: Again for posterity: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/violence

I just don't see a few swats on the ass in this light, but then I never ran into someone who used disciplinary measures to excuse this.
Oh ffs. It's unpopular opinions thread, not shit all over each other thread. Keep it civil - again, attack ideas not people. Since we already have another thread for this, and this one is headed to shit-ville, I'm locking and telling ya'll to head to the other one.

BUT DON'T SHIT ON IT OR I'LL START REMOVING POSTS. How's that for an unpopular opinion?
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