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So I've tried tinkering with this (within the confines of my extremely limited coding knowledge) and can't seem to luck* my way into a fix.

When the ATB gauges are drawn, only the bottom character's gauge is 'thick'. The others are all 1px high:

Here's how it currently looks with 3 party members:

And here's how it currently looks with 2:

As you can see, the HP, MP and TP gauge bars are all drawn correctly.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Or offer a straight-up fix?

Here's a link to the script (via Victor's wordpress)

I would post the script here, but I'm not sure what the rules are regarding that, so... Actually, I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to link away from RMN... Apologies if any regs have been broked.

Things I hath tried already:

- changing 'line_height' in Window_Base. Changes the line height alright, but doesn't correct the way the gauge is drawn.
- tried the script with and without including TP gauge - result is the same either way.
- searching for something obvious to edit. = nothing obvious to edit.
- rage sweats

Help appreciated, folks. I've been banging my head against script issues and technical problems for weeks now and I haven't been able to proceed with any actual designing :(

*by 'luck' I mean try to get a fix with laborious trial and error and my limited understanding of Ruby, not with random and chaotic script changes.

"It's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly...timey wimey...stuff."
I can't check the code right now because my work network blocks mass storage sites like Google Drive, but that looks like the ATB gauge is being overdrawn by the actors below it (you'll note that the cutoff point is the pixel directly above the border of the selection rectangle). The reason the bottom one is "thick" is because there's no actor underneath to be drawn on top of it. It's not that your other bars are 1 pixel high, it's that the contents of a later actor are being drawn over the top of them.

Edit: Sorry, didn't notice the bit at the top of the post. What was it?
I can't check the code right now because my work network blocks mass storage sites like Google Drive, but that looks like the ATB gauge is being overdrawn by the actors below it (you'll note that the cutoff point is the pixel directly above the border of the selection rectangle). The reason the bottom one is "thick" is because there's no actor underneath to be drawn on top of it. It's not that your other bars are 1 pixel high, it's that the contents of a later actor are being drawn over the top of them.

Edit: Sorry, didn't notice the bit at the top of the post. What was it?

In my efforts to figure out how the scripts work via curious trial and error, I had changed a value in Window_Base:

def draw_gauge(x, y, width, rate, color1, color2)
fill_w = (width * rate).to_i
gauge_y = y + line_height - 1 <===== I CHANGED THIS.
#gauge_y = y + line_height - 8
contents.fill_rect(x, gauge_y, width, 6, gauge_back_color)
contents.gradient_fill_rect(x, gauge_y, fill_w, 6, color1, color2)

You can see I left the original value in, commented out. Have no idea why I changed it or why I didn't change it back.

I am usually extremely methodical about reversing any changes I make to scripts once I've tested the effect.

Ironically, I'm so methodical about it so that folks on forums can help me out more easily... Anyhow, I've relearned a valuable lesson about being careful with script tinkering.

Thanks for getting back to me though!
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