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Gamedev by sunlight, magical girl by moonlight
So I'm working on my event game and it's a twinstick shooter where you face hordes of enemies coming in from the top of the screen like space invaders. However, I'm having trouble getting the various plugins I'm using to work. First I'm using two of Galv's MZ plugins, MapProtectilesMZ and EventSpawnerMZ.

For the controls, I want to use the arrow keys to control movement of your character while using the WSAD keys to determine which direction your shots will hit, which certain combinations hitting diagonally like W+D hitting northwest, D+S hitting southwest, ect, you get the idea.

But when I try to make a projectile, the instructions are not very clear on what I'm supposted to type. Originally, I had only one projectile that would shoot in the direction of the arrow keys, but that didn't work as the arrow keys are hard locked by the engine to make you move and I didn't want that. I then started making different projectiles for each of the 8 directions I wanted in the game, and that's when I discovered something.

For the "target ID" part, it was marked as "dX" in which "X" is supposed to be something called a "numpad direction." The plugin never clarifies what this "numpad direction" is supposed to be. Is it simply like "Up," "Down," ect? Does it include stuff like South East and North West, and if so, how are they worded? What if they aren't words and are merely numbers set to different directions? The plugin gives no info on that, and google gave me absolutely nothing. Before I just had "dX" straight, but that caused problems. What am I supposed to do?

Then for event spawner MZ plugin, I have the problem of events not actually spawning even though I have everything set up correctly. The spawn map is correctly selected with only two spannable enemies, neither which spawn correctly. Here is the script call I used: "Galv.SPAWN.event(1,'region',,'terrain',no);" What is the issue with this? Please help me. Thanks.
Guardian of the Description Thread
A "nunmpad direction" is a reference to the position of a number on a numeric keypad. RPG Maker uses these values to determine event-facing. If you've never seen a numeric keypad before, the relevant-to-this-thread part kinda looks like...

7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3

...this. In which case, a value of 2 indicates a down facing, 4 would be left, 6 is right, and 8 is up. With an 8-directional script, you'll have access to the values of 9, 7, 3, and 1, and their respective directions, as indicated by the code-block above.
Gamedev by sunlight, magical girl by moonlight
Thanks a lot!
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