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Hey. I hope that this post isn't taken to be commercial spam / promotion. But I saw a youtube video about how the Sega Genesis game The Adventures Of Batman & Robin appeared to exceed the technical limitations of the Sega Genesis. They created an effect that appeared to render 3-D polygons using a much more basic and available technique, which was the skewing of images. I just thought that this was a good lesson for how to resourcefully apply the tools available to you to create the illusion of capabilities that are not available to you. Newer RPG developers must learn that, although an RPG Maker's event commands have one obvious purpose, that you need to learn to figure out ways to apply these commands in non-linear ways to achieve novel effects. So, I just thought that this 8-minute video might open up some of the creative windows in your brain. (Note: I'm not affiliated with this youtube channel in any way.)
I had seen this video recently too, and it is indeed amazing. I don't fully understand all the techniques, but it makes me excited to explore the limits of 2D graphics!
Yeah, I saw this one too! and posted this at least once or twice on the RMN discord. Batman & Robin for genesis was one of my favorite video games growing up. So it was really cool to see how the Sonic 3D Blast dev, tries to explain, how Clockwork Tortoise might have created these effects on the genesis, while using examples from previous games he's worked on, like Toy Story for the Genesis.

What's really fascinating to me about this video, is that, it's not just programming, it's art and animation as well. It's learning these sort of principles, these tools and techniques and how they work together, where you can start to begin to stretch the limitations of something like rpgmaker2003 and other makers in general,

Like often times, we can't do what we want with what's available to us. But with some really creative problem solving, we can create something new or something similar to it, once we have a deeper understand of the tools, that are available to us. - I know I've thought about this a lot while making the silly tech demos I've made in the past. But I feel like watching a video like this, is really important when trying to understand and learn how to tackle the more heavy stuff.

But yeah,Definitely an excellent video worth checking out. ♥

Thanks for posting this LDanarkos!

EDIT: another really great bunch of videos to check out are the Ars Technica: War Stories interviews They have stories from the creator of Crash Bandicoot, Myst, Prince of Persia and Diablo where they talk about the issues they faced while creating these famous games and the creative problem solving they eventually had to learn, in order to tackle them.

I think the most interesting one, is the Prince of Persia story, where Jordan Mechner talks about the biggest issue he had while creating the original Prince of Persia, was memory limitations and how he ends up turning this issue, into not only one of the most compelling characters in the game, but being to carry that character over to different versions once it was completed and ported.

This kind of creative problem solving is something I think everyone should really get into and learn, because sometimes, you're not just making a game, sometimes you're trying to get all these different components to work together in harmony, in order to not just create art, but something that will work and something that will last for that current situation. Which I think is a really important skill to have when you're working with this sort of medium.
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