
Fallout New Vegas
if it's as buggy and fucked up as the original (and i hear that it is) it must be great

now that obsidian made it the writing is so much better than fallout 3 its irrelevant (its not that buggy, at least in my experience)

actually the game is better than F3 in every conceivable way

I will never understand why people love Fallout so much.

thats cool

there's a lot of things i dont understand
I played the demo of Corpse Party on the PSP last week. Apparently it was made with rpg maker 98 originally? It was pretty fun, although a little wonky.

The fourth Professor Layton is always taking more time. Trying to get back into Dragon Quest IX, but need to pass more levels.

Kind of broke now, but will be picking up Tactics Ogre PSP or Ni no Kuni next.
actually the game is better than F3 in every conceivable way
that doesn't say a whole lot

actually if it's less glitchy than the original, there is no possible way that it's better

also i thought it was a bethesda game?
It is, but Bethesda wrote it. Obsidian, who has a lot of the original Fallout writers on their team, is writing it. Bethesda doesn't really know how to write lately.

Look, I don't care how you feel about it, haha, it's a really great fucking game. Not only compared to F3, but on its own. Most fun I've had in a long time, the game has so much longevity, great writing, great characters, so many choices, better gameplay, a bigger world, more stuff to do, etc etc.
Obsidian, who has a lot of the original Fallout writers on their team, is writing it.
oh well that's pretty neat i guess (i don't have a lot of experience with the original fallout games but they seemed to have more legitimate fun in them than F3 did)

idk the only fun i get out of any bethesda game is breaking it horribly

but i'm the sort of person who can't play sandbox-y games (or at least not for very long until i get bored)

not trying to rag on you for liking it, it's just videogames

as for the original topic (what i am playing):
i tried to start a new character in Mass Effect 2 because i don't care to scour planets for sidequests with my high-level assassin, but oh my god the intro is so long and boring

so i'm just going to try Alpha Protocol (which i hear is a glitchy mess so that'll be fun times (probably still less glitchy than the first Mass Effect lawl))
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Ghost Hacker - and you thought I was awesome when I introduced you to Bloons TD 4?

Ghost Hacker is sexy, innovative and well-designed tower defense game with cool and truly different enemies, a unique tower leveling system and lots of subtle humor. It's like Immortal Defense, only not as "holy shit story in MY tower defense game!?" engaging (and also free; everybody buy Immortal Defense, though).
hey, you know what those who have played one tower defense game say...
So apparently the Characters in my Dragon Age have selective mute disorder when it comes to speaking lines. Not that it bothers me, I find it quite amusing really.

Plus battle seem to have got a little easier, now that I've gotten into a good pattern of stunning and beating the ever loving crap out of 'em. Too bad I'm lacking on the old healing spell side of things.

Also Super crate Box has gotten harder the more things I've unlocked, which seems nuts but seriously, the Katana and Disc Gun are just so irritating to pick up...
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
CociCookie: That's the idea in SUPER CRATE BOX! Also, I beat DA:O on Normal without ever learning a healing spell.
Also Super crate Box has gotten harder the more things I've unlocked, which seems nuts but seriously, the Katana and Disc Gun are just so irritating to pick up...

I don't mind the katana so much, it's pretty strong and the big green guys turn around. And I've gotten used to the disc gun pretty well. It's the grenade launcher or the laser rifle I don't like picking up. Grenades will shoot OVER the little green guys heads if you're close enough and then you're screwed. Laser rifle just throws off my timing. My favorite is probably the minigun just because the kick will pin me on the wall spiraling me down while a wave of death fires off.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
The Laser Rifle kills anything it touches while charging up.
Well I found a use for the nade launcher, though with the objective being grab crates and not kill things it's pointless. Essentially you can just pelt them into the fire pit and hit enemies on the top. if anything my favourite weapon is probably 'zooka, for obvious reasons, or Minigun for the fact I can slide down the wall and be pretty much fine.

As for DA:O, it's the fact I didn't expect to take so much damage from enemies and have my characters getting dropped so quickly. Now I've got into the hang of remembering to pause combat and use AoE stun spells, the difficulty of staying alive has toned down a little. Also helps that I finally went to camp and cleared all the injuries from my party too.
I've learned to use everything except for the pistol and double-pistols effectively (because they both suck)

In the third area it's pretty easy to avoid enemies by getting in the lower left and lower right area of the level, then you can just obliterate waves of angry enemies, run out and grab a few crates, and then thin the numbers again.

The minigun is my favorite weapon though. Sliding down walls while obliterating everything is fun!
Dead Rising 2 (kinda repetitive), Halo Reach (testing other people's maps, and Minecraft
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar

(Super Crate Box, Fable, Triangle Wizard, Ghost Hacker)

Triangle Wizard is just another roguelike, but I like the spell system and the way ASCII is used compared to other roguelikes, so yeah. If you're not geodude, maybe you could enjoy it?
not even ascii
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Left 4 Dead 1 on the PC and Dragon Quest IX on the DS.
Golden Sun 2, mainly coz the new ones coming out soon in the UK..! :-)