
Okay so here's the thing, it's summer, it's boring, I have to find something to do with myself or i start to go a bit crazy, so I decided to take up jogging.

Now the most exercise i usually get in a day is either going up my stairs or walking to the park, and the thought of jogging has never occured to me before, as i always thought i would get embarassed running in front of people, especially anyone i know.
In fact, I was going to start going to the gym, but i started dialling the phone for the induction day and got really worried that people i know might go to my gym and then i panicked, hung up, and decided jogging would be the lesser embarrasing way to try and get a bit healthier.
So my first jog today(yes im very unfit), and i found it surprisingly fun(until i got all sweaty and self-concious of the fact that i probably stunk, so i made sure to cross the street whenever i saw anyone coming).

Now my thoughts on this are, what kind of hobbies do you guys have(other than gaming), do you ever do anything radical(..i use the word radical very loosely) when you're bored, and would you feel uncomfortable exercising for the world to see?
author=boobledeeboo link=topic=4044.msg82170#msg82170 date=1245684914
what kind of hobbies do you guys have(other than gaming), do you ever do anything radical(..i use the word radical very loosely) when you're bored, and would you feel uncomfortable exercising for the world to see?

Hobbies, I play the piano and write music. I also like to bike.

A few days ago, I got REALLY bored, so I headed off on my bike and didn't look back. I'm still not sure how long I was gone, but I went a good 6-8 miles, which is further than I typically go.

Psh, what's so wrong with exercizing?
what's wrong with exercising? you bust up the whole right side of your body

there is a story behind this i will write it up later
shin splints.

That's what's wrong with jogging.

(I went to the chiro's and told him about my shinsplints, so he started working on my calves. He said "Jeez these are tight!" and "Wow. This is going to hurt." like 5 or 6 times in <5 mins. It did hurt.

I have to take time off jogging even though I just started like 4 weeks ago to try and get into shape. So I play volleyball on Wednesday's instead)
In fact, I was going to start going to the gym, but i started dialling the phone for the induction day and got really worried that people i know might go to my gym

I'm not...quite sure I understand.
have you met a girl before, Feld?
author=Feldschlacht IV link=topic=4044.msg82180#msg82180 date=1245686384
In fact, I was going to start going to the gym, but i started dialling the phone for the induction day and got really worried that people i know might go to my gym

I'm not...quite sure I understand.

Weeell, i was thinking about starting to go to the gym, but then i realised people i know might go, and i'd just feel embarrassed doing pull-ups or whatever in front of them, whereas with strangers it's all good, because i feel like i'll never see them again.

@kentona, that sucks! But volleyballs very fun. there's always a silver lining eh?
I know a guy who loved ice-skating, he was really good at it as well, and then he went to practice one day, and was forbidden from doing it again by a new trainer because he wasn't actually skating correctly, so he went to see the doctor about it, and he told him he'd screwed his feet up. Now he has really bad back problems. not to go down the depressing road with this topic or anything..

@Relyt, well, there's nothing wrong at all with exercise, It's just something i(and probably others) get unnecessarily embarrassed about, which is kinda stupid. And cool, like Forrest Gump, when he goes off running for ages without looking back.
have you met a girl before, Feld?

Yeah, I know it can be embarrassing to have people watch you exercise, but I've never heard of being embarrassed to have people know you go to the gym at all. "IT CAN'T BE KNOWN I GO TO THE...GYM". I mean, you do what you gotta do!
oh no, i wouldn't be bothered if people knew i went to the gym. On the contrary, that'd be alright, then they might actually think i try and do something to keep fit. I'd just feel awkward if they were around while i was doing pressups...
I think i'm making going to the gym sound a bigger deal than i actually think it is. heh, if that makes sense.
I don't like the gym either. Just invest in some freeweights and work out at home. Do crunches, lunges, squats, skipping, pushups. Just make sure you get your heartrate up if you want the cardio. That's all you really need.

Gymnasium actually comes from ancient Greek, and it literally means "the NAKED PLACE. THE PLACE WHERE YOU GO TO BE NAKED."
May I suggest jogging to a gym that is further away? One at least 2 neighborhoods away from where you live, so there is no likelihood of people you know watching you do situps?

You get BOTH this way! The fun of jogging AND the fitness of gym training.

As for fun stuff, I am way addicted to gambling. Casinos are a second home to the likes of me. Not really a HOBBY per-se, but...

No one is going to laugh at you for going to the gym, even if you get tired after 15 minutes of the treadmill. If anything, I think people would actually be supportive of your choice! We all gotta start somewhere..

In all likelihood though, everyone will probably just not care and mind their own business. There are plenty of people there just as insecure about their exercise habits, trust me.
blitzen is absolutely right. i feel so much more comfortable excercising at home!
as far as hobbies go, I love to play music. i sing and play guitar primarily, but also play keyboards and occasionally play drums. i enjoy playing live performances with my band, playing open mic nights by myself, jamming with friends, and writing my own songs.

i also enjoy hackey sack and golf. i'm not very good at either, but it keeps me active somewhat.
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
I bike a lot too. Both for fun and to get from point A to point B.

As for hobbies? There's a store in town the sells all kinds - TCGs, CMGs, foam beatsticks, all sorts of nerdy entertainment that I frequent... frequently. And how else do I arrive, but on a bike?
RMN sex symbol
I just do 30 press ups & pull ups 6 days a week having one a rest day for my muscles to relax. I used to do weights and run a lot but now I just don't have the time so I instead prefer the natural training exercizes.
I run four or five days a week, but I need to do more anaerobic exercises, probably! I have pretty much no upper muscle mass to speak of.
I walk a lot now, I used to bike to work but it got stolen a month or so ago. I could buy a new one, but there's no point I should be saving money for a decent car and insurance.

Apart from that I don't do any real exercise, I wouldn't want to I'm trying to gain weight! I would like to start going to a Gym too but I can't convince anyone to come with me, at the moment I just do press ups everyday at home.
The only hobby/slight exercise I do that's unlikely to crop up here is bell ringing. As in, church bells. I'm competent enough at the action itself, but haven't really begun to learn any sequences yet. Apparently it's quite good for posture, too.

I don't really go out of my way to exercise, though (other than walking everywhere I go but that's not that special). I'm really skinny so I don't need to worry about weight for the moment, and I'm not that fussed about not having any muscles. I can lift things most women/children I know can't, I guess just by being a tall male, and that's good enough for me.

All I'm missing out on are the no-doubt tremendous health benefits...! My friend's started taking hour-long walks every day. I might try it for a bit.