Gonna be showed off in the next Famitsu. It's for the DS. Apparently it is being handled by the original Lufia creators (the ones that did 1 and 2).
We'll see if this one can pull off a Lufia 2.
EDIT: Lufia 2 Remake
- remake of Lufia 2 (including Maxim, Gades)
- action on the top screen
- map on the bottom screen, as well as faces of party members
- tap a face panel to swap out party members
- swap characters mid-combo while enemy is tossed in the air
- boss fights take place on both screens, but your character stays on the bottom
- puzzle-driven dungeons that have you switching characters for specific elements
- due out Feb. 25th in Japan
Holy shit, will we finally get a another good Lufia? The gameboy color uh... Tactical? Rpg was ok. But the Gameboy Advanced version was horrible.
oh my god oh my god oh my god
My day has been made.
My day has been made.
FeldTo be fair, the first one was a pretty average game. I loved it to death, myself, since I played it to death as a kid and it's brimming with that ol' SNES charm, but it's not reviewed nearly as positively as Lufia 2 (which no one can deny is superb). =/
I've never played the original Lufias. Are they good?.
I think things are very promising since the first artwork released is Doom Island.
the gameboy colour one will still always be my favourite. i loved the 9-person battles. god damn the final boss is hard though.
this looks fantastic. thank you for posting such beautiful glory for me to wake up to, WIP.
this looks fantastic. thank you for posting such beautiful glory for me to wake up to, WIP.
Will they call this Lufia IV overseas, and disown the GBA game entirely? I wonder if this is a remake or a new original Lufia?
I'm surprised Square-Enix took this long at expanding this franchise!
I'm surprised Square-Enix took this long at expanding this franchise!
Orig I like you, you're funny. I like Lufia too...
Will they call this Lufia IV overseas, and disown the GBA game entirely? I wonder if this is a remake or a new original Lufia?
I'm surprised Square-Enix took this long at expanding this franchise!
99% chance it's new, as they would have mentioned it being a remake.
Oh my god.
The only highlight of my day. I hope Yasunori Shiono will compose the music! I have dozens of music files that are remakes to the Lufia songs.
First Golden Sun and now Lufia. I wonder which game will take the throne for jRPG puzzles...
The only highlight of my day. I hope Yasunori Shiono will compose the music! I have dozens of music files that are remakes to the Lufia songs.
First Golden Sun and now Lufia. I wonder which game will take the throne for jRPG puzzles...
I've never played the original Lufias. Are they good?.
To be fair, the first one was a prettyaverageabysmal game.
Fixed that for you
(and while I'm hating, Lufia 2 has great dungeons but that is about it)
I'm curious what they'll do with this. If they can stick with what made Lufia 2's dungeons so interesting and add a good battle system on top I'll probably give it a spin
I actually liked the first Lufia, it doesn't stray far from the formula but I guess I just hadn't had my fill of generic RPGs yet when I played through it.
I liked Lufia 1 because of the spell animations. They were pretty rad for their time.