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I'm making a game using rm2k3 and there are eight main characters. I am thinking about creating a system which allows you to swtich between party members during the middle of a battle to your choosing, but I don't entirely understand how to do that. Could someone help me?
That sounds pretty difficult to do using the default battle system, actually. If you're using XP or VX you could probably find your way around the limitation by borrowing or coding scripts or something, but with 2003 either you'll have to create a custom battle system or get really creative. It's a lot easier to do that sort of thing outside of battle, but I'm pretty sure that's not what you're looking for, so...
anyway, just switch the characters with add/remove heroes function.
I had done this before, in battle event make prerequirement for 5x turns then just remove and add heroes. it's for a simple like mine though.
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